
What? There have been several since then. Not sure if you’re just trying to be edgy, but their was only really 1 bad AC creed game and even that was a decent game marred by bugs.

Is it? I don’t think it’s hard to acknowledge that game development is extremely hard while also criticizing shitty marketing and hype.

If by easier you mean less tedious, then yes.

huh, you’re right. it’s for switch though.

Huh, I haven’t been on Kotaku for a while, lets see what’s new ... oh ... oh no ...

Yes, they can sue you if you put a Dominos trademark on a car, then film monetized Youtube videos with it.

Can’t wait for Black Ops 5

Give your tile a Kai-O-Kleaning!

Huh... I thought “Let’s Randomly Insult Musk For Our Weekly Boners” was on Wednesdays.

If there were anymore salt in this post, I’d need some pepper.

(The stream was canceled.)


Your mileage may vary.

All of those things are things he said during his act.

So that makes this effectively canon, right?

goddammit Kirk

I generally agree, but I find it rather strange that the letter never once mentions how his/her fiancée feels about this situation considering that this is her sister. We know the LW feels the sister is a user and a nightmare and would rather she not come at all if she insists on bringing her children with her, but

Except for, you know, the warning that we actually did include.