The Mustang’s driver.
The Mustang’s driver.
I was fifteen and rode my bike with a friend to the theater. He wanted to see Shrek and I wanted to see this. We bought our tickets and parted ways. Fifteen years later he's an anesthesiologist and I'm a middle class automotive industry guy who had to Google the spelling of anesthesiologist.
Be more like Spinal Tap. Make your list go to 11.
I would say x≤π/2 radians is a drift, π/2<x<π is a reverse entry drift, and a spin is x≥π.
They tried to use 458's but the results were.... Less than helpful.
The frivolous lawsuit is a time honoured American tradition.
He was able to stop with several feet to spare in a situation where coming to a complete stop was entirely unexpected. That’s why it’s not tailgating.
I’ll be honest, if I met Clarkson and he wasn't a jerk to me I'd probably be at least a little disapointed.
That just shows how good he is... a lesser man would have been fired by now, but he’s gotten a raise. That takes talent.
I don’t think this is a real Doug DeMuro article. Real Doug DeMuro articles contain the word “approximately” a minimum of three times per piece. This one has approximately zero uses of the word approximately.
May he reincarnate as a port-a-potty for country music festivals.
Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.
You really need an SO in your life. Preferably one not in to cars so they can provide an outsiders perspective to your activities. Otherwise I don’t know how much longer you are going to be with us.
200 Lbs doesn’t seem like a huge weight penalty. I mean if every Miata came with a Victoria’s Secret model in the passenger seat are people going to complain about the 130 lbs weight penalty for the added beauty?
Because if the choice is between a Tesla and something equally expensive, an incentive to buy the electric vehicle is supposed to help the environment. However, since people have a hate-boner for anyone who makes more money than they do, then the environment takes a back seat to their agenda.
I feel like painting fake tunnels on brick walls is an acceptable way to filter out people who should not have a driver’s license. Every city should have at least 6 of these.
Really hoping this hope for sarcasm is sarcasm. The original was quite obviously sarcasm.
All my friends and co-workers know. My fiance has come to accept it.
Don’t be a silly ageist. Let me remind you that todays septuagenarian engaged in more, “against the norm” behaviors during the sixty’s and seventy’s then you will likely experience in your life time. Cops were different, sex was safe, drugs were a culture, three martini lunch was normal, and you could smoke…