Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing

Kinda like woeeee, woeeeee, woeeeee, blk, blk, blk, blubbwoeee, woeee, woee,woeee, bgkla, blkg, blka, woooeeee,woeeee, woeeee, wooeeeeeee, blkal, blkal, blummmmpurrr, wooeeeeee.

This guy is such a cunt.

I will agree that the 135is is an absolutely fantastic car. If you want to see what number your car is you can use this. My dad has a 135is and I was curious about how rare they were and found that while looking.

This makes me want another Test Drive Unlimited game.

Oh yeah, having to manually search for idiots to play with instead of automatically searching for idiots to play with is definitely better.

You can pound all you want, but, but trust me. If you want to bust that nut, it’s best to just think of someone else.

Now playing

Really good, but still doesn’t beat the Astros fan a few years back.

Frog protection?

Try your hardest not to shit your pants or everyone will call you “that guy who shit his pants” until you get a new job.

I thought of posting this one. The 818 is pretty crazy compared to their bread and butter cobra kits as well.

I like how the line goes through the headlights now (Started on the 2015 I think)

And also me.

And from what I see at the bottom he probably only makes like $12/hr? Even if it’s double that rate that’s still the base salary of a first year at a public accounting firm.

Long hours means 60+ weeks consistently. Not to mention if you’re working in public accounting (or some corporate environments) your time will be tracked, thus meaning you have to actually put in the time, or you’ll have to rip off the client (billing time not really spent on their project). And the amount ripped off

I literally can’t imagine a worse representative of the accounting profession. If you’re looking to be a bookkeeper for the accounting equivalent of a tech startup, then by all means.

He’s very brave. I wouldn't be caught dead in cutoff jean shorts

Stupidity level: infinite

Obligatory BMWmino

I’m guessing it was actually a faulty turbo