
I love your dogs, even though I had a hard time figuring out the bottom half of the photo at first.

Hardly anything makes me laugh in this crappy, crappy time we’re living in, but your “why do you hate handicapped horses, johnny depp?” post actually made me laugh. It was an awkward, bark-like laugh that was then replaced with the usual rage and despair, but it was nice while it lasted.

It seems like this just a thing that celebrities do. I remember Debra Messing did this when Will & Grace was still on — claimed she used to get shoved into lockers all the time in high school — and classmates of hers said no, she was really popular in high school.

This deserves many, many more stars.

Starring this both for the comment itself, and the excellent Giles quotation.

I just looked at her blog, and the whole post about her child’s injury is about how she has PTSD now and is really stressed. And there’s another blurb that reminds me of one of those tragedy-mommy-bloggers who generate page views by writing about almost catastrophes:

The look on the little boy’s face is magic. I also love how his tie is hanging over the velvet rope — as if he was playing with his tie while he waited, draping it over the velvet rope, and then saw Obama and was too mesmerized to do anything.

I am very sad, but I love this post.

Each time I tried to star your post, it (at least on my screen) looked like I took a star away. I’m assuming this is not actually happening and is just some weird thing on my computer — but if I actually did take any stars from your post (or the other ones I tried to star), I am really sorry.

This post — about your pride in the accomplishments of these Americans — brings tears to my eyes. We should all feel the way you do.

I agree with your first sentence, and your second sentence is so brilliant that I have lost all the rest of my words.

One of these names, by itself, wouldn’t be so bad. But it would take an unimaginable lack of self-awareness to decide on all three of these names. Did none of their friends tell them how very douchey this would make them seem? How they would be basically turning into the very worst hipster stereotype that people

I don’t think you know what that word means.

This is the second Star Wars reference that has actually made me smile today, after almost a week of not smiling. (Wait — it is Star Wars, right?)

This is the first thing that has made me smile (internally; not on the outside, because I am a grim and unsmiling person) about the results of the election. I love you for posting it, whoever you are.

I love elephants. They are smart and wonderful and take care of each other. And yes, the Republican Party doesn’t deserve to have the elephant as its symbol. Maybe a hyena would be a better symbol? I need to think about that.

Weirdly, that makes me feel a tiny bit better. Maybe 0.5% better. But it’s better than before. So thank you.

I’ve thought about that too. But then I think that as long as we’re praying for miracles, surely a vengeful and just God could figure out a way to keep both Trump and Pence out of office. And then I think, wait, what if God was vengeful already (mad about, I don’t know, the fact that Trump’s campaign made people

I don’t know how I’m typing this, because that first picture killed me. It’s not just incredibly cute. It is just everything.

Now I’m crying again. Damn it. I hope this country doesn’t let your grandmother down.