
I was a staunch Third Party voter and would argue with any and erry body about the validity of that decision. When Obama was running 1st time I was like......him winning aint helping me day to day and prolly make it worse (unfotunately I was right about that one) and regretfully I stuck to my guns. The years after he

Perdue is a perfectly distilled drop of Georgia’s racist bullshittery, and the sooner he dies of something horrible, the better off we’ll all be be.

“Regardless of which Republican it is,” she said, “I have yet to hear them articulate a plan for the future of Georgia.”

His kind is a filthy, disgusting, subhuman relic. Their hate is born of fear and their greatest fears are coming to fruition right before their eyes. The contempt he holds for others is a cancer he carries inside and he can’t shake it off.

I definitely saw waaay more people going after Munn than Tender.

Damn. I can’t get out of the grays, but this awful transphobe can? WTF? Or is this just some deep satire on another level?

Ted’s own daughter literally wanted nothing to do with him. She ran off when he tried to hug her. His wife had a mental breakdown by the side of the road.

And we can’t fathom how Ted Cruz stands upright without a spine, but here we are.  

Yeah, Pete Davidson isn’t conventionally a “hot guy”, but I strongly suspect he’s good company, funny, and low-stress. Cruz can’t fathom a good personality being a factor because he has the personality of a bog leech in cold oil and assumes that hot girls rejected him solely because of his looks.

Yah, but she gives no shits, and sends it back as hard as she gets it.

For those in blue states, they should these as an occasion to push hard for their state governments to codify explicit protection of women’s reproductive rights into state law (if they haven’t done so already), as well as “sanctuary” laws to protect women who come from other states to get abortions. Women in red

I maintain that the least believable thing about Star Trek: The Next Generation is the idea that Georgi (LeVar Burton) was awkward and bad with women. The audacity. This man is all charm and goodness.

That’s pretty complicated for Noah, but I would say this:

When I read about her after her nomination, I believed she was qualified for the job.

When I saw 737 this was the first question to pop into my head, so thanks for the preemptive clarification!

I was, and appreciated the clarification.

Probably because many people, like me, assumed it was a Max plane and I was reading to find out if it was. Clarification, especially with so much recent Boeing controversy, was appreciated.

As with so much else, it’s not so much about what they’re talking about as what they’re using it to say.

Why does anyone care what she is wearing? Damn but those people need to get a life.