
Now I am crying. I want to echo what all the other replies say and thank you for your beautiful post. I hope you and your family have a wonderful day.

Me too. And I love this GIF so, so much.

I know a bunch of Cardinals fans who were rooting for the Cubs — some secretly, some openly, some only choosing the Cubs because they didn’t want to root for the team with the racist logo, and some choosing the Cubs because Cubs fans are genuinely loyal fans who deserve some joy. Even though I worried that the

I wish I had a thousand stars to give this. Actually, as long as I’m wishing for things, I’ll just wish that your wish comes completely true, and also that all the bad things stop, and that we could all undo our worst mistakes and regrets (without inadvertently triggering some of terrible Butterfly Effect), and that

Lindy was (is) amazing. And so are you, for saving and posting this. I want to read it over and over.

Thank you!

Yes. And may she always have to sit on chairs that are uncomfortably warm from the butt of the large, slightly sweaty person who sat there before her.

I am an idiot and can’t seem to find this on her website. Do you have a link? Every time I get really stressed about this election (which is constantly), it makes me feel better to read things like that.

This might be my favorite post ever on Jezebel. Each time I lift my eyes to look at it (as I type these words), I burst out in dorky giggles again.

Your first point is important and should be emphasized more. I’m embarrassed to say that, because I only know of Wharton as a graduate business school, I did not even know there was an undergraduate college. So, when he boasted about his Wharton education, I assumed he had somehow managed to earn a Wharton MBA

When I first saw the headline (and before I scrolled down to read the story), I assumed this was a metaphor for what’s happening with the Trump campaign. You know, how it’s being brought down not by outside attacks, but by Donald Trump himself. His own revolting behavior, his own unavoidable implosions, etc.

Yes, exactly. The fact that Donald Trump exists and says these things is infuriating and revolting — but (if it were just him) you could just dismiss him as a nuisance, the way you step over a pile of dog crap that some asshole left on the sidewalk. But the fact that there are so many millions of people who support

That’s really good, and so true.

That’s a brilliant observation, and completely true.

Everything about Michelle Obama is the best. And I love LeBron’s hilariously intense stare.

I really wanted to read and understand your post, but the sheer number of grammatical mistakes (some just plain stupid, and some just bizarre) is so distracting. If you are a troll, deliberately including these writing errors into your post to underscore the idiocy of your post, you’re doing a fantastic job.

We actually did IVF with Dr. Zhang years ago and have a very beautiful child as a result. Totally apart from the breakthrough reported in this article (which kind of sounds like one of the premise for a sci-fi movie about cool scientific breakthroughs that later go wrong and threaten all humanity), we liked Dr. Zhang

All the comments (including this one) on this article are just outstanding and make me really happy.

Thank you!

My daughter is almost 10. It killed me to wait this long to start sharing Buffy with her. (It also killed me not to be able to show her the original Star Wars trilogy as soon as she was born.) I agree with weirwoodtreehugger that your son sounds awesome, and you sound like good parents. I love that he had a Buffy