
I had forgotten about that one! Thank you for posting this. It made me laugh.

She is turning 10 next month. I actually have not been showing her the episodes in order (which I know is probably sacrilege to some people), partly because many episodes deal with issues that I think she’s too young for -- or are just too scary for her. I showed her the first episode so she could get an idea of how

That was exactly my reaction too! “Andrew! It’s Andrew!!”

I actually love, so I can’t agree with you. But your post is funny and well-written.

Same! These villains in movies and shows who are bent on destroying nature just seemed like ridiculous caricatures or symbols — I thought no one could actually be that evil in real life.

Do these people know they’re the villains? That they are literally the villainous douchebags who maniacally threaten justice/nature/the world in movies and books and TV shows, and against whom the good guys [plucky children / anthropomorphic robots / sad-eyed animals / Hobbits / underfunded scientists / Muppets] have

This genuinely makes me see red with rage. It’s like a fat sunburned sheriff in the Jim Crow South threatening to teach a lesson to any black person who gets “uppity.” I don’t want to wish ill on people, but I wish so much ill on this person.

Same -- looked around, and no one was reacting except one person who half-glanced down at her phone (without actually looking at the screen) with a completely uninterested expression. I think it’s just that NYC thing of not visibly reacting to anything.

This has been viral for a while now -- but apparently (according to some interview with Winnie that I read) Ashly isn’t on social media and probably didn’t know. I mean, I guess friends of hers could have alerted her to the posts. But I’m guessing Ashly doesn’t have a lot of friends.

Agreed. The emails are fun to read (since I don’t have to worry about waking up to see Ashly standing over me with an ice pick), but Ashly’s emails aren’t just “demanding” - they’re full-on insane. She has some kind of emotional or mental problems that are not going to end well in this situation.

This is an excellent point, and I hope it gets many stars.

My daughter and I met Tamron Hall at an event, and she was incredibly nice and impressive and lovely. She spent a lot of time talking to us (especially my daughter, who is much more delightful than I am), and she did a fantastic job hosting the panel discussion. I would love to see her moderating a debate between

Wow. Tamron Hall is awesome. Why don’t all journalists challenge candidates this way?

I generally share your feelings about people who don’t vaccinate, but I wouldn’t paint gluten-free people with the same broad strokes. Although many people don’t believe in the idea of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, there have recently been persuasive studies (including double-blind, placebo-controlled studies)

That’s awful. I had a very hard time with breastfeeding for the first several weeks, to the point that I’d dread nursing, and then I’d cry and hate myself for dreading it. At the time, I didn’t know anyone else who’d had trouble breastfeeding, and I felt like a failure — I thought it was supposed to be this easy,

Yes, all of this! My Asian forebears (including my mom) toted their babies around on their backs while they went about their work, and they co-slept because of space issues and/or because it was easier not having to get up out of bed in the night to nurse the baby. And so on. It may have led to happy babies — but

With my daughter, I actually did a lot of the kinds of things that attachment-parenting types recommend — mostly because it was convenient (e.g., using a baby sling or Ergo rather than a stroller made it easier to get up and down subway stairs), or because it was similar to the kind of customs that my (Asian

Same. And I’m embarrassed to say that the Dr. Sears position on vaccines genuinely confused and worried me when I was an expecting/new mom and obsessing over everything. I had been given a copy of The Baby Book as a baby-care reference, and I thought that Dr. Sears was a mainstream, widely respected pediatric

Every time I see the picture of President Obama leaning down to let the little boy touch his hair, I almost cry. That picture says so much. It says everything about why — putting aside politics, or what he did or didn’t accomplish — it meant so much to so many people to have this man as our President.

This story makes me so happy. Your niece is awesome.