
I want to hear what you’re saying, because you’re absolutely correct, but all I can do is look at those two cute kittens on the bottom — the way they are sprawled out. LOOK AT THEIR LITTLE LEGS.

That was my reaction too! Some of the creepiest villains ever from that show. But if they rid us of Donald Trump, or at least take his voice, then I’m mostly okay with them.

This is a magically funny post and full of truth — especially “because raisins and farts are both horrible things to be surprised by?”

This is a really thoughtful reply, and I appreciate it. I also think your explanation is probably right.

Public high school in a midwestern city that’s routinely cited as an example of a poverty-stricken, failed urban center. I remember going to a friend’s house and thinking they must be rich because they had air conditioning. But I probably didn’t know any actual affluent people in real life until I got a summer job

Most people go through a period, either in high school or college, where they (i) read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged; (ii) mistakenly assume that they themselves are the Howard Roark/John Galt characters in their worlds; and (iii) act like self-righteous assholes for a while. Then they grow up, recognize the

I’m embarrassed by how much I love this story (and all your posts, really).

Plus — and I know this isn’t the point — he was elected president of Harvard Law Review. It’s an extremely competitive election process which basically involves the editors being locked in a big room for many hours debating and arguing (sometimes to the point of tears) until they have agreed on a president. The

My daughter’s 4th-grade teacher, all this past year, would repeatedly say to her class some variation of the following: “Girls are so competitive with each other — that’s why we can’t have a woman president.” “When boys get mad they get over it, but girls never forgive. That’s why we’ve never had a woman

This is all just terrifying. I just scheduled surgery (to repair an umbilical hernia) for a few months from now, and this is one of several reasons I’m wondering if I should just cancel it. I’ve received conflicting advice on whether the surgery is necessary — one doctor said I could potentially just live with the

Every sentence of this is perfect.

I’m now reading through his Tumblr posts, and they are seriously brilliant. This one about Orlando is heartbreaking and beautiful and hopeful and tragic all at once. His post on Prince is perfect. And I really love this:

There are no words for how cute this photo is.

I have nothing to add except that I agree with all of this.

Another article about this incident confirmed what you’re saying — that the serial killer grinned and smirked when the father turned around to look at him.

I looked at another article, and it explains that the serial killer openly smirked at the father as he made his statement — which is probably what prompted him to leap over the table.

I knew pre-Laverne Laverne too, but only as the friend of a close friend. She came to a party at my place. Thoughtful and funny and so nice.

Now playing

I just read his AMA on reddit from a while back (I just went down a Google rabbithole, and it was linked in one of the articles), and he said that he actually auditioned for the role of Jim in The Office. You can see part of the audition on youtube:

I just watched showed the “Desperate for a Shag Giles” episode to my daughter a couple of days ago. She is too young for Buffy generally (scares easily, has nightmares), but I’ve been picking out episodes that I think are especially good and not-too-scary and have just been warning her to cover her eyes before scary

Everything about this video is wonderful — but her little giggle/dance of happiness after he praises her is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. And it is EXACTLY the right way to respond to a compliment from President Obama.