
Sweet girl. I feel exactly the same way.

Yes, to all of this. Also, I wonder why that Gollum GIF hasn’t gotten more use in this campaign year.

I really can’t stop shuddering over this.

My daughter is 9 and hates scary things (and is prone to nightmares), but I really wanted her to see just a little bit of Buffy. So I actually let her watch the musical episode, and would warn her to close her eyes right before any shot of something potentially scary — e.g., the vampires’ faces, the spontaneous

It seems unfair that any one person could be this beautiful and this cool. When I wink, I look like I’m having a stroke. When she winks, she could basically rule the universe. Also, look at that dimple.

Same to all of this (growing up a massive Star Wars fan, crying at this moment, so happy that my daughter will grow up with Rey as the defining movie hero of her childhood). And your daughter in the Rey hair is ADORABLE.

I admit that I’ve been obsessing over how he died, because I can’t make sense of this. But I think what you said is exactly right, and I’m going to stop. He was innately (and also worked very hard to be) mysterious and magnificent in life. That shouldn’t be taken away from him in death.

I was barely holding it together, and then I saw this.

Wasn’t there some story about some French politician at a dinner, and his wife telling some British guests that “A penis is hard to find”? And her husband leans toward her and says, “Darling, here they pronounce it ‘happiness.’”

Seriously — that was exhilarating to watch!

I’m a non-confrontational person, and I usually feel really bad when I see someone getting yelled at. But this guy deserved it so much, and was such a douchebaggy coward about it, that this was honestly exhilarating to watch. They should play this video to soldiers going off to war, and to athletes before a

Judging by the quick Google search I did, and the LinkedIn info that came up for both Peter Jonsson and his friend, their futures do look very promising. Smart and decent human beings.

I worked there many years ago after college, and some (not all!) of the professors were almost comically out-of-touch on issues relating to discrimination, inappropriate workplace conduct, etc.

I remember there was an episode of The Simpsons, way back in the early years, where a wall of Lenny’s house gets knocked down, revealing him sitting at his kitchen table eating straight out of a can. He says, “Please don’t tell anyone how I live.”

This is one of the best things I’ve read recently. By which I mean it is terrifying and yet totally believable.

We have family from Japan, and I have traveled there many, many times. I speak almost no Japanese — and never had a problem finding Japanese people who spoke enough basic English to help.

Well, most Japanese people speak at least some English. Also, maybe they assumed that there would be international coverage of these protests.

I laughed a little too hard at this. And I want to hear this fake story about the noseless guy with a sword.

Same. I love Susan Sarandon and wanted to assume that her daughter would be equally awesome. But each of the 2 posts I just read from her blog (the one about firing the first nanny, and the one about the sexting nanny) was so “poor me, I can’t believe this is happening when I am so grievously ill and working so very

I just emailed Lands’ End. Although I’m embarrassed that my email puts the apostrophe in the wrong place (Land’s End), the basic gist of it was as follows: