
I agree with all this. But also, Goop did recently insist that she was self-made, that she never took a penny from her parents after age 18, etc. It was totally on merit that she got cast in movies by her godfather “Uncle Steve” (Steven Spielberg) and other family friends.

I don’t know who you are, but the two posts I just read by you (this and the one about how Ted Cruz accessorizes) have made me so happy today.

Oh, that is sad. (I am injecting myself, uninvited, into this conversation because I live in NYC and — though I am aware of you only through this basically anonymous message board — it was a really nice thing to know that you lived in the same general vicinity as me.) I hope you end up someplace great.

I am very small too, and I have the same experience. It’s not just that people don’t move out of the way. If someone needs to get past a crowd or a group of people and has to push past someone in order to do so, he or she will always choose me — bumping into me or sometimes nearly bowling me over. (I never used to

She and her mother both are wonderful. My reaction is partly shame that I haven’t accomplished anything like they have done (and about all the times I reacted emotionally to injustice without actually trying to take real action to address it), and partly exhilaration and hope. Because it is amazing to know that there

Yes! I want to learn from her. The way she responded to the frustration expressed by her daughter (i.e., asking, “What are you going to do about it?”) is perfect. In those 8 words, she not only acknowledged how her daughter felt, but showed her daughter that she is capable of both (i) coming up with solutions and (ii)

It’s one of the great pleasures of President Obama’s presidency to watch what happens when he extends his staggering charisma towards young people of color, and black kids specifically

I feel the same way. I remember when he first entered the national consciousness, and — as great as I thought he was — I was convinced that he could never win. I actually cried from happiness in 2008 when he won, for so many reasons — partly because I was so proud of the country for doing something right, partly

This is some excellent sarcasm.

Thank you!

This is amazing. I want her to be on TV talking about this. Among many other things, I love that her actions were motivated by empathy and compassion for the people being mistreated at this rally, and by outrage over Trump’s grossly disrespectful behavior.

I met her once, briefly, several years ago. She was kind and modest and very intelligent, and I have always liked her. This shows her to be self-reflective and not self-absorbed, on top of everything else.

I know this isn’t exactly what you mean, but you can see pictures of the decoy designers’ Fashion Week shows (Swapnil, etc.) on some sites. I think Blogging Project Runway has photos of all 6 Project Runway shows each Fashion week (the 3/4 finalists plus the last 2/3 eliminated designers).

Me too. I still get a little teary eyed when I see it.

The title made me cringe in a viscerally uncomfortable way. And then the article was even worse. The fact that people thought this was a good idea for a segment is bad enough. But the gross comments they made — while pretending to be some kind of moral authority — while thinking they’re being funny — while somehow

I know nothing about you, but I’m pretty much in love with you after reading this list. I would happily read an entire book of these.

ME TOO. I mean, sometimes America is awful, and then sometimes we are presented with something like this:

It’s killing me that I can’t get back into my post to change “write” to “right.”

Racism: Fuelling imagination since the dark ages.

Where the Red Fern Grows was the first book that ever made me cry. I was maybe 9 or 10, and I was so blindsided by the ending. I can still remember being surprised to find that I was crying (sort of the way that I was surprised to find myself crying during E.T. — to discover that a book or movie could do that to me).