That sounds just as unreasonable, honestly.
That sounds just as unreasonable, honestly.
This is brilliant and hilarious, and I wish I could come up with things like this.
I have been a fan of your posts for a long time now. But now that I know that you have named your son Luke Skywalker, I’m pretty sure you are the best doctor ever.
I usually scoff when people say things like, “I just died,” but I think I seriously just died from that picture. I can’t even process how cute that picture is.
Wow, that is really awful in so many different ways. I would have been speechless with rage.
Because of your post, I just spent a really long time reading through Frank Sommerville’s Facebook page, and he sounds like a genuinely decent, thoughful, and good-hearted human being. It was a nice break from the frequent crappiness of the Internet.
Thank you for saying this. Not to try to make this story about me (because I’m a random internet person with a boring life and have nothing to do with this story), but I’ve recently gotten similar comments from co-workers (“Wow, I didn’t realize how thin you are”) and strangers (“You look like you need a sandwich”).…
Well, now even more teary-eyed. Thank you for the nice words. I usually really don’t like being a lawyer — it wasn’t a good career choice for me, and most of my matters haven’t been nearly as interesting or worthwhile. But it was the best thing I ever worked on, and I was really, really lucky to get to do it. I keep…
To have lived to see this, man. What a day .
The last picture just makes my heart hurt. That sweet happy dog smile, full of love and adoration and looking like a real-life Dug (from the movie Up) — I just want to hug that dog forever. I am sorry for your loss.
I loved this guy! And you are exactly right. Although Herbert’s face is kind of adorable, and Chet Haze’s face is just objectionable.
I’ve had a very stressful few days, and all these articles are awful, but these GIFs made me laugh so much.
About half the girls in my high school had that exact hair style (except even poofier on top). I went to high school in the middle of nowhere, in the late 1980s. (I am old.) There was no excuse for that hair then, and no excuse for it now.
Agreed. Except that I’ve recently learned that it’s actually spelled “kneck.”
That was seriously the most disturbing part of the story to me. I mean, the loogie thing is horrific and gross, but everyone suspects that this is a thing that happens. And the fact that DNA testing was done on this incident, while the rape kit backlog stretches from here to the moon, is pretty demoralizing. But…
I disagree with this. The Bleecker stop is in the Village; it is not in Soho, which is below Houston St.
Me too. On another post today, I saw that someone posted a GIF of Kate Upton walking all bouncily. And I thought, not for the first time, that must be the weirdest and most distracting feeling — to have these things bouncing around on your chest. I just could not relate.
If it were up to me, I’d give you a whole pile of stones and set you up in front of their house with a slingshot and a catapult.
I agree. I knew almost nothing about her before I read the book (a friend lent it to me to read on a long flight — I figured it would be a mindless but diverting read), but I came away being extremely impressed with her. Her life has had amazing highs and horrible lows, and she’s fully aware of how damaged and flawed…