The ghostwriter for Janice Dickinson’s autobiography (No Lifeguard on Duty), which was published more than 10 years ago, has verified that she wanted to include the Bill Cosby rape in her book but was talked out of doing so.
The ghostwriter for Janice Dickinson’s autobiography (No Lifeguard on Duty), which was published more than 10 years ago, has verified that she wanted to include the Bill Cosby rape in her book but was talked out of doing so.
This isn’t exactly on point, but I drafted amicus briefing in some gay-marriage cases that were going through one state’s appellate courts several years back, and it was crazy how many of the anti-gay-marriage arguments were exactly the same arguments that were used to defend anti-miscegenation laws back in the day.…
I am friendly with Louis through our kids, and he has been exceedingly kind and funny in every interaction I’ve ever had with him.
I’m just going to shut my office door and watch this GIF all day.
I get your point (and it is definitely responsive to NonServiam’s post). But of course the bigger issue isn’t that nail salons workers have to do gross work — it’s that they are getting paid basically nothing, while suffering terrible health problems from toxic fumes, acrylic dust, etc. People who work in dangerous…
Me too. I really, genuinely think that would make everything better.
This deserves 100+ stars.
I know this is totally not the point of this thread, but you have an excellent way with words. I’m going to be trying very hard for the next couple of days to find an occasion to say “fart pod.”
Your son sounds so cute, and this is heartbreaking.
I love what Amandla Stenberg tweeted, and I love the quote she highlighted, but this:
Who are all these people who think that announcing “I’m not racist” is the same as apologizing for saying something racist? And do they actually think that works? It’s like the idiotic retroactive version of “I’m not racist, but [incredibly racist statement].”
Your posts about your elephant friend are, together, one of the best things I’ve read in a long time. I love elephants, and I feel so sad for the ones cooped up in zoos or circuses, but I am also very, very jealous that you were able to make friends with this elephant and to help her so much. She must have seen the…
I’m completely baffled by some of the comments on the linked article — multiple commenters say that a PR firm must have written that apology, because it’s “too well-written” to have been written by a teenager. I fear for the future of America if there are that many people in it who think that this incoherent,…
I bought that DVD set too, for my daughter. The old episodes are still magical. I highly recommend it to everyone. When you watch it, you realize how much you actually remember from the episodes you watched as a child – how crazy it is that memories of these songs and skits are still somewhere inside your brain,…
Not that it's relevant, but Mary Louise Parker is one of these celebrities who are so nice when you meet them in real life that you love them forever after.
You (all of you in this penguin thread) are delightful.
Your analogy in the first paragraph is exactly right. And although that documentary sounds really worthwhile, it also sounds so depressing. I keep wanting to think the country is getting better, and that the world is improving (and in some ways it is), but sometimes things like this come and smack you right in the…
Me too. I actually just Googled him because I was happy that he was taking such a strong position (without any of that milquetoast "we are saddened by these events" PR-talk), and because he seemed so genuinely pissed off by the video. He has an extremely impressive resume.
I remember, many years ago, watching some talk show that featured teenaged white supremacists trying to defend their beliefs. They kept insisting that they didn't hate black people — just that they were really proud of being white, and that they wanted to "protect" the white race. I remember thinking that you'd have…
This is one of the best things I've ever read, and I see this video in a whole new light now.