A Cat in Man's Clothing

It must be nice to do such great reporting without looking into what has actually occurred. This article continues this train-wreck of a narrative and does nothing to repair the damage that continues to get worse and worse. I called for people to report the "person sending the threats", much like tons of other

It's interesting to note with the Ganondorf one that it is okay to objectify men, frankly I find it reprehensible.

Well no, it wasn't. It misrepresented what the subject was about and caused general confusion for someone that read the title of the article and the content of said article. Even your example title is reflective of confusion over the material. I read it out loud for someone when the title was "The worse you're doing


It is a matter of context and accurate writing, is all. Kinja is going bonkers for me for some reason, so I may have double posted.

5. After I posted

The title is worded poorly for clickbaiting. Lucario actually inflicts more damage when he is higher percents, this is just a knockback increase, so Lucario still has his niche.

Title of this article is wrong for a couple reasons.

I find it amusing that a few hours ago someone posted a picture of this on 4chan and said, "There will be a Kotaku article on this".

It's way too easy to cherry pick examples and attempt to shame creators over their creative content. Some day people will wake up and stop trying to force their beliefs others and stop trying to stifle creativity because your individuality is more important than another's.

It's really not worth you getting offended, take a break from the computer and enjoy some fresh air. Stephen Totilo has expressed on several occasions that claiming the writers here are not worthy of being called journalists is offensive to the journalists employed here. I ask you simply to stop trying to discredit

I don't think the community needs this kind of language and I have done nothing but simply point out what has clearly gone unnoticed, no reason for you to be upset.

Again, as previously stated, the line in question contributes nothing to the article and without it the article is just as well written.

[Trigger Warning] Doesn't change the fact that these are journalists posting articles.

[Trigger Warning] Doesn't change the fact that these are journalists posting articles.

I fixed the paragraph(?) with the line in question and as you can see below, the article did not suffer a decline in quality due to the change. So I guess what I am trying to say is correct and the line in question doesn't belong, because it added nothing to the article other than criticism of a section of PC players.

I guess being dismissive is the best thing you could do, as opposed to engage in a discussion of why you believe what you believe. So, why do you believe what you believe? And why is it wrong?

I think this entire post went over your head.

Feel free to continue the discussion, but I have things to be doing and cannot afford to give the trolls any more of my attention. I will leave with some facts we have uncovered during this time:

Stephen Totilo is the Editor in Chief(with a degree, since some of you jackals like to degrade people) and does a fine job, engages with community on issue and is an all around good human being imo.