A Cat in Man's Clothing

The humor tag is in reference to the content of the mod, not the article. My argument stands, the line in question has no place in this article and only exists as an attempt at criticism of some PC users.

I think you need to make an argument and stick to it, because you are doing a really terrible job of doing just that and you are doing an equally terrible job of picking good arguments to make considering I have on a few occasions taken issue with the choice of opinionated language posted in articles here when it

I would love for you to write a college level paper and cite Wikipedia as a source, because they will probably tell you to find an actual source for your paper.

The original post has another person claiming this site is purely opinions, it isn't that hard to go look. I presented an article posted within the last 48 hours that has no opinion and was met with a response of what was more or less "Well clearly the creator of this article has an interest in the subject matter",

I don't find the mod to be satirical in any manner. We just need to face the facts, Gabe Newell is a ruling power in the industry and I have yet to see any mortal challenge his throne, have you?

What if the creator of the article didn't take personal interest in the subject? Seems like you are making a baseless claim.

I think I debunked this claim that every article is an opinion piece already with someone else. I think that if you are going to troll, you should try harder. Notice, I am not stating in my opinion you are trolling, that was a fact already presented, but I am stating that in my opinion you should try harder or not

Now playing

I love the logic you displayed here, "My opinion is fact and denying it only proves my point". Since it would only "prove your point" I wouldn't dare deny your logic, but I will instead leave you with this:

I think what I have stated(aka my argument) and will continue to state is that the line in question doesn't belong in the article because it adds no value to the article, it doesn't belong. I do love the fact that you state that you aren't attempting to discredit the work done here, yet go on to discredit it anyway.

You are welcome to have your opinion, but it is probably best to step away from the keys if you can't present it in a constructive manner. I don't wish to imply that you are of a lesser intellect, but resorting to name calling is typically a sign of someone incapable of intelligent conversation.

Clearly you haven't taken a moment to read anything that was previously stated, it would make you look less foolish in the long run as I have previously stated the following "Nobody can be unbiased, but in their line of work they should make the reader feel like they are.". The point being made originally is that the

Please take a moment to read the other responses given to my post on this article, because you clearly missed the point where these people are in fact journalists(This is not sarcasm or trolling, no seriously it isn't). If you could kindly point me to where this was an opinion piece? I am fairly sure that it wasn't

You are hell bent on discrediting the work these people do, which is really sad. Most, if not all of them, do a great job(not a joke) with the occasional slip-up and are definitely journalists to varying degrees. As noted Stephen Totilo himself has expressed anguish over people saying that the writers here are not

You lost me at "this" because "that" made no sense, I have read it several times over and fail to see any point where it does make any sense. It is literally a string of words, that started in another language and was translated through Google translate across several languages and then eventually into English,

I issue a "Trigger Warning" each time I enter a room, because what I say is mostly like to be rude or offensive and its 2014, I am far too old to give a rats ass. What if there is no god? Stop generalizing everyone as believers of a god, it is offensive to some people and that isn't cool and makes you no better than I

The article is about a mod for Civ 5 and that line shouldn't have been in the article, not much more discussion is required.

Nobody can be unbiased, but in their line of work they should make the reader feel like they are. I wouldn't be airing my opinion on the site where it doesn't belong, much less an opinion about a section of their readers. We can use the argument that Kotaku is a blog and should be treated as such, but they employ