wall street basically has a one-track mind: quarterly profits good, everything else who cares
wall street basically has a one-track mind: quarterly profits good, everything else who cares
A few years of French saved my ass in Montreal, if only because people appreciated the effort enough to go above and beyond with whatever I needed help with.
Having just visited there, there were several times when I greeted a clerk/server in French, we went on in French for several sentences, then realised we were both English-speaking.
I know a few French words and try to use them (I visit Montreal a few times a year). A few years ago a Quebecois told me they do not really care if I do not know French or try to use it—they get mad with the Ottawans who never use French. It sounds like your experience is different so I will try to use “une peu plus”…
Specifically for Montreal, the biggest dick move is linguistic. French is the official language here, but most businesses in the city greet you with the ubiquitous “Bonjour-Hi”, and it’s all Shakespeare, no Molière from there on end. Not much of a big deal for bilingual me, but it’s a pet peeve for a lot of English as…
More like Canada’s Russians
You know the first Corvette was a blue-flame 6, right?
He’s in good, if weird company. The guys who run the racing Dodge Vans in Japan use an automatic with a ratchet shifter on their vans.
A vehicle electric AC compressor uses minimal energy... heat on the other had is a different story. In my Chevy Volt the AC uses less than 1/2 kWh whereas the heat uses 6-8 kWh for operation.
What about just a NFSII montage? The Cala, Commendatore 112i, Lotus GT1, BMW Nazca C2 etc. Most were just prototypes or concept cars, but damn they were cool! Also, NFSII was the last decent game in the series.
Wow, that’s some very wild random thoughts.
You clearly never drove a BMW with the ZF 8HP
Those sound FX dubs plus Japanese commentary would make for the best viewing experience evar! WUAHHH CURASSHHUU!
I called the MTA to find out exactly what “covered in feces” means
Most provinces in Canada have some form of no-fault accident benefits that are paid to all collision victims. The difference is the degree to which tort (the right to sue) or no-fault (access to accident benefits) is emphasized. For example, Quebec has a pure no-fault system that eliminates the right to sue, but…
Authorities already said Uber is not at fault. Now we know LIDAR is not at fault either. Driver was bored staring at gadgets on dashboard and played solitaire instead - also not at fault. No way Volvo is at fault. Bicycle and victim are not at fault.
The issue, he said, is that the tech quite likely “classified her as something other than a stationary object.”
I have to agree. HFCEV (there, are you happy?) can’t do things like break the laws of physics, which means they have fundamental, unsolvable (that we know of) issues. And, for every kWh used to create hydrogen, it could just as easily have been used to charge a car, with a greater return (miles/km driven) on…