
The correct pronunciation is Volkswagen, which is German for the dentist’s car.

 The e on the end of a German word is pronounced.

I love this song, there obviously isn’t a shortage of good Eurobeat songs in the series, but I always come back to this one.

Ahhh Friday. Made better with a Eurobeat filled drive home.

We have something that traps people in BC too. Cost of gas. Once you come, you can’t afford to refuel and leave.

You know... you’re right. This does look tons better.

I could fix this car. It’d be a four-door, sporty hatch.

Counterpoint: don’t know your situation, but three weeks ago we were inches away from pulling the trigger on a new Odyssey for our family of four. In the sales manager office even. And we stepped back, changed our mind and are going with an Accord. The back seat is like a limo for the kids, the front seats are comfy,

You forgot the part where decisions were at least partly built on intentionally falsified data from nearly every diesel vehicle manufacturer.

1.) The taxation scheme was by the national government, while the bans are by city governments. 2.) Even if they were both schemes by the same government, I would have thought you could give credit for that government recognizing the bad parts of its policies and attempting to change them.

1st Gear: President Trump Reportedly Suggests A 25-Cent-Per-Gallon Gas Tax

But what he did wasn’t exploiting a loophole, it was illegal. There is the Truth in Lending Act which, if you seen the Dirty Money Documentary, one of the government attorneys explains how the company’s TILA boxes were understating how much money the loan would cost to pay back and how much would be taken out of the

Gas Tax? Oh Christ no. Have you seen our vehicles?

The loans were illegal, period. Hiding behind tribal sovereignty did not make them legal, it made so the states could not sue or prosecute, the Fed’s however could.

Is it is poor taste if it’s accurate? If the cause of the collision is that the driver failed to take the correct steps to solve the problem, this is a chance for everyone else to learn about the correct steps in case they make a similar error. Maybe the driver was a real dummy, maybe they just lost their shit, but as

BMW’s statement points to exactly this issue. From the linked article:

You need to back that claim up. On basically everything but the most bleeding edge performance cars, the breaks are more than capable of overpowering the engine.

“We get moody and elitist for a reason. Winter.”

To be fair, he picked the *only* scenario (and specific conditions) where a summer/all season is better for your safety than winter tires in freezing temps.