I’ve seen a few cases of road rage.
But America unlocks the batshit crazy level with guns.
I’ve seen a few cases of road rage.
But America unlocks the batshit crazy level with guns.
It could very well be a variant maybe.
If the dessert you ate is similar to this, then it’s pouding chômeur (litteraly translated to unemployed pudding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pouding_ch%C3%B4meur)
You can come to the East with you want, we won’t bite (including Québec!).
Short term vision unfortunately.
Yes, there will always be a need for oil, but with the unavoidable shift to electric vehicles (passenger and trucks), demand will be MUCH less.
So he’s an Albertan.
Increasing job losses in that conservative oil province put the unemployment rate at 7.8%, higher than the national average.
That’s pure Gilles Villeneuve.
That wheel lock up just transpires Dijon 1979:
The minimal Uber inspection is laughable.
For example, the minimum thread wear required is 3/32 of an inch.
At 4/32, it’s already considered dangerous.
They’d make a killing in Quebec for sure!
I want pics!
It’s a great year for the Mazda3.
Did I spot a Kill La Kill reference?
Also, is it a 2015 model?
I can actually confirm that there’s a Lamborghini dealership in Montreal, for a few years now.
They recently moved to the Western part of the Island:
I had to explain to a French friend how to drive automatic!
At first, I thought he was joking... he wasn’t.
[quote] in 1992 Trump bought this Acura NSX for his girlfriend, the famous Marla Maples [/quote]
Ha, more toilet humor, although this one is a strech.
Phonetically, I would pronounce this MER-DEUX.
You don’t really pronounce the last e in merde.
That’s the correct translation: “un étron” is a turd.
Like Mr. Margin mentionned, e-tron can be read as étron, French for turd.
Not the first time an automaker gets lost in translation (Pajero, Nova, LaCrosse, etc.), and probably not the last time.