
Glad that Jalopnik will soldier on.
And if ever Gawker disapears, I hope you guys will take the whole oppo party elsewhere.
Show must go on.

Kinda knew you were from Montreal!

Neutral: sell RFID cards to Tesla owners who would refill as they use it.
It’s the same concept as the Electric Circuit and other public charging station networks.

A confident man.
I strongly disagree respectfully.

How do you deal with those ugly “chrome” fittings on top of the rear lights?

Gawker Media fired the whole Budapest team, unfortunately.

You can order a Chademo adapter for the Tesla.
In Quebec, all public fast charging stations come with both adaptors (SAE-Combo and Chademo).

That gif has been aroung Imgur for a few months now.
But please repost, they’re cute as hell.

MFW the Azera is still on sale in the States...

It that sentence, yes, “J’ai conduit” would indeed be more appropriate.
However, if the sentence is not complete and an action unfolds afterwards, the “imparfait” is preferable.
ex: “Je conduisais ma Deux Chevaux dans un lac lorsque ma femme a commencé à hurler.”
[I was driving my 2CV into a lake when my wife started


In Quebec, sometimes we still refer to driving as “chauffer” Take the following sentence as an example: “Je chauffais mon char sur Décarie quand un crisse de cave m’a embouti.”
[I was driving my car on Décarie (highway in Montreal) when a fucking idiot rear-ended me]
It’s more a colloquialism than official French.

Half an hour away from Quebec City, you can get this view in the Parc national de la Jacques Cartier, a must for hikers.

*Edit: can someone un-gray my on lifehacker? I play nice on Jalopnik :)*

Not disagreeing with you that the majority of American car buyers want a sedan. Still, it’d be interesting to know if it costs that much more to homologate and market a hatch/wagon version of the car.

A hatch is not always pretty; the Panamera proves it.
However, concerning the Panamera wagon concept.. <3

Sincerely, every Jalopnik commenter.

I’m slowly thinking that Musk is an eternal procrastinator: always a bit late.
In that matter, I relate to him... A LOT.
Now please, unveil the car, I got to wake up early this morning.

The Mazda 5 is reasonnably fun to drive, especially if you have proper tires (Pirelli and Continental).
But, the vehicle is at the end of its career: the engine lacks power in the higher revs, consumes a lot and the interior is not up to date (more like a 2010 Mazda3 than the new HMI oriented dashboard).

By law (at least in Quebec [CPA art. 73]), it’s refundable.