Tired of imbeciles

Let’s just do a bit of reality check. In a lot of non first-world countries, games are relatively expensive, and having a console (handheld or not) is a luxury. Muricans may see $50 as a small change, but to put it into perspective, here in a certain country in South East Asia, a job which pays roughly $100k per year

I miss Mitt Romney. I don’t agree with him on any policy or social issues, but I always thought his heart was at least in the right place. Out of touch? Sure. But he seemed like a good father, faithful husband, seemed smart.

IV caps at 31 per stat.


My paw did what now?

only the middle finger on the paw remains extended...

And the worst part is? The Turkey Sandwich I wished for was a little dry! THE TURKEY WAS A LITTLE DRY! *sobs*

BTW, please dismiss this Kiley. troll, folks. Thanks.

Bleak and sorrowful descriptions that are perfect for our bleak and sorrowful world.

You mean, as dark as the outcome of the Presidential Election?

Why should tomorrow be at all different from the rest of the days I drink at work?

Never thought I’d agree with a sign held by a Trump supporter.

We have always been at war with EastSony.

Wii has been on the market for almost 10 years with its most successful accessory , U.

Kissing not necessary, just need to hold hands to exchange long protein strands.

How long until a Donald surrogate has a psychotic break live on camera brought on by constantly having to change the nonsense they are required to spew?

Because tailors also like to get paid for the work they do.

Clownstick Agonistes

I thought Darkseid was the top dog in DC. I mean I get the confusion; they’re both Republicans.

Translation, I hope like hell Hillary wins. If she doesn’t, this party is dead, and will have no way to win a election for over a decade.