Tired of imbeciles

Just as Tolkien’s downfall of Numenor had Tar-Palantir (a far sighted wise ruler) before the Ar-Pharazôn the Golden (arrogant, foolish and idolitus tyrant whose misrule, egged on by Sauron, lead to sinking of his kingdom), we have Obama before Trump the Gold, who has Bannon the fallen propagandast whispering in his

At the end Voldmort was defeated. A small comfort.

He will keep.

Either Barad-Dur or Dreadfort.

Then he becomes a martyr.

Only a traitor to this great nation would think so.

No, just a fantasy.

Latin and Chinese.

Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat

One of the best inkjet in market. I have one in my office and it is absolutely a lifesaver.

One of the best inkjet in market. I have one in my office and it is absolutely a lifesaver.

Trump’s manservant.

Why are her teeth showing like that?

Is the tree alright?


It will all be ready by Tuesday.

Much like Fang Xiaoru, the writers of this article will be exterminated to the 70th agnates by our glorious leader.

All is lost. Flee before the might of Kim Jung-un, the Loadstar of the 21 century!

Why doesn’t clinton have a bird land on her podium?

I remain unconvinced that making a dark, gritty movie with comic characters, even with Superman, can be considered a risk.

Such as?