Douche Gossage

Why do you keep accusing me of this?
I have done no such thing.

onecosbypolitan shows up at an abortion clinic. Thinks the people on both sides of the street are protesting the same thing “in their own way”!

‘paragraph’ was easier to write than ‘the result of you mashing the keyboard with your hands that probably don’t have opposable thumbs”

I don’t know how to say this more clearly. I am NOT NOT NOT interested in the form the protests made. I am interested in the intent behind each display.

If other people express their opinion: bitching.
If you express your opinion: not bitching

What privilege does Kaepernick have that is relevenat to the issue he is concerned about?

In a flash decision, a police officer would not see or know that his parents were white.
In a flash decision, a police officer would not see or know that he is a millionaire.

You people with your buzzwords are exhausting.

This is incoherent.

Yes, I think racist people think that way. Is that controversial to you?

Make no mistake. The Seahawks move was NOT in support of Kaepernick. It was an attempt to silence that type of protest. This was their version of all lives matter, in the face of his black lives matter stance.

Nope. Way to miss the point!

Nor will any problem be solved in this way:

Or, you know, protesting while trying to show fucking idiots that thinking this country can and should do better isn’t disrespectful.

Well...and if everyone agrees...is it really a protest?

They’ve never/rarely aired the anthem for regular season games.

My biggest problem is this. They never ever ever ever would have thought...Hey let’s all make a statement about unity in a vacuum.
This is a response to the kneeling players protest, and serves to do one thing...drown out that protest.
It’s an “anti” opinion disguised as neutral.
If players, or the whole team wanted to

The point isn’t the action.

See also: Why “All Lives Matter” is shitty response to “Black Lives Matter”

There is none so blind as he who will not see.

On topic: That I would be fired and these players are not doesn’t not consititute unfair treatment under the law.

Off topic question: At what point do you stop and ask yourself... “Only 2 people agreed with my first comment. No one has agreed with any subsequent comments I have made. Nearly a dozen people have ‘misunderstood’ me in the same way, and received far greater positive response. Maybe I’m wrong?”