Douche Gossage

I never claimed to be a genius.
You don’t have to be a genius to point out stupid. The idea that you or the OP somehow has the answer that the pros couldn’t come up with is absurd. I thoroughly enjoy pointing out this delusion to pretenders like you. And that’s all I’ve done here. I never once said - as you and the OP

If the first Amendment allows employers to decide how to handle these situations....What is the problem here?

Where does the constitution say I can’t protest at work? Nowhere.

That’s different because...
/throws shit at the wall

You’re taking the objection at face value.
The real reason people are upset is not REALLY about how the protest is occurring.
They were annoyed by sitting. Then a veteran, who they all claimed to be annoyed on behalf of, suggested kneeling. And they complained about kneeling. I’m waiting to hear the hottakes on the two

linking arms : kneeling :: all lives matter : black lives matter

I already called you a goddamn genius. What more do you want from me?
It’s amazing how you’re so smart at football. Maybe someone will notice that you’re smarter than the professionals.
Until then, keep peppering comment boards with your insights. I here NFL GMs spend a lot of time scouting Deadspin for new coaching

What you need to do is convince asshats like this to do is read Letter From a Birmingham Jail.

“Kaepernick is as white as he is black”

Just ask them.

You’re right. It’s a goddamn shame a true genius like you isn’t on the sidelines.

Stopping condescending to people as though your idea were logical and THEY were the dummies for not seeing it. Your idea is NOT logically consistent.

And you have the element of surprise. There is no way the defense would expect that play, and defend against it specifically - thereby decreasing the chances of successfully earning those five yards you are taking for granted.

I think you’re right that fans would still find something to complain about. But I think you’re wrong that they would complain about him going out of bounds.

If you post a comment and one person doesn’t comprehend it, they probably didn’t comprehend it.

You don’t belong in a discussion among adults.

Maybe let’s stick to reality.

You: I have no problem if they protest. I just think their employers should punish them.