Douche Gossage

Except that the Seahawks are not advocating being all in this together in pursuit of a specific outcome.

This whole thing is reflective of a larger problem we have in the United States: that people will take professional sports players to task about their opinions on this country, but (currently) FORTY FUCKING ONE percent of voters have no problem with a hateful Internet comment troll leading our country into the next

The demonstration, along with the way it came about, suggests to me that none of these people really know what they’re trying to say, nor do they really understand what Colin Kaepernick is protesting. Conflating a refusal to stand for the national anthem with being anti-military is the most painfully obtuse conclusion

Someone else already probably said it better, so apologies, but anytime a protest is all or none, you only get the lowest common denominator. You do the maximum that any single person is willing to do, and so you do nothing. It doesn’t hurt team unity to have some stand and some kneel, unless you already have problems

Nor would you know he was raised by white folks, especially if he wasn’t well-known.

Best defense in the league?

I only believe in the Constitution when it conforms to my personal world view. As such, I am against the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 16th, and 19th Amendments in their entirety, and the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 15th Amendments being granted to non-white folk.

It was the Russell Wilson of protests

Amusingly, the quote Doug Baldwin chose, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” more accurately applies to Colin Kaepernick’s decision.

I’ll say what I essentially said a few days back: if you are upset with what Colin Kaepernick is doing, but you’re OK with what Donald Trump stands for, then maybe #YouAreTheFuckingProblem.

The gesture said nothing of significance. They didn’t pick a side on police brutality and racism. The Seahawks remained neutral, which is a lot like saying nothing at all.

Co-incidentally, this marks the first time that the Seahawks have said nothing.

Do you disagree with this too?

If your freedom to protest requires “not here, not now,” then it isn’t freedom.

Anyone pack anything stronger?

Fuck Dilfer and all the “there’s a time and a place” argument.

Charles apparently didn't get the memo that takes are to be served hot and blunt, not cold and nuanced. He's disrespecting the game, the industry and America!

I’m amazed about Dilfer’s tone deaf stance on this issue, as no one since 2001 has benefited more from the work of African Americans.

We really need to talk about that Randy Moss death stare.