Yeah, but that always rang hollow to me: he didn’t do it out of a sense of justice, it just came across as like a tearful instagram “apology” and promises of rehab of some starlet who ploughed into a pedestrian after her five breakfast mimosas.

They’re also eh in terms of further cementing the highly sophisticated behavioral science unit which like, sure, okay, I guess, but I find it kind of interesting that we really like to establish serial killers as geniuses able to confound us at every turn when these guys are bumbling-ass losers who get away with it

They’re going to try to brute force engineer these robots using forward planning and machine learning, and they will be failing horribly at even the most basic tasks assigned to a factory room floor worker.

A while back there was a video posted on here of the assembly of the 911 and there were marvelously giant robots

Yeah, he’s mostly in the Silmarillion, and he’s portrayed very differently. He’s a prideful, but ridiculously powerful warrior who bops around Middle Earth kicking ass before he sees his chance at the throne and takes it.

I finally saw the Northman a couple of weeks ago and jesus is that a time and place I’m glad I didn’t live. The palace intrigue probably saved the story because otherwise it’s just a pure revenge film involving the most stoic people you’ll ever see.

Now I’m wondering if, like Steve Jobs, Musk also has hygiene issues.  I doubt he eats an all fruit diet though, Musk looks like a man who loves a cheeseburger 

Yeah, the Placebo cover is amazing. I played the original and that cover back-to-back for my 16-year-old daughter and she declared that she preferred Bush’s vocals and Placebo’s music and I couldn’t disagree.

The Meg Meyers cover is pretty great, too. 

The WKMG report says the woman could face up to five years in prison offense for each offense if convicted.

Back at the dawn of time, the very first asshole crawled out of the primordial muck and shouted, “This is who I am; if you can’t handle it, that’s on you!” It’s kind of the genetic fingerprint of asshole-ry; when you hear someone say some version of that statement, you know who and what he is.

It definitely wasn’t portrayed as remotely that large, though, but we could handwave that by saying it was centered on an artificial light source/whatever.

I prefer to think of it as a Ringworld-esque halo, since it has Niven’s sunshade panels providing night and the sun is in the middle.

Ah, but the island is just as bad. The city I live in has had an intense amount of mining throughout the 1800s and a very large majority of the remaining mine shafts have no direct ability to be detected. No maps, no recent exploration with current tech, just a bunch of holes in the ground in an area just waiting for

I guess now is the future.

Exactly. They definitely nailed the design concept, if not the market.

Good call! I haven’t seen it since I was a little kid. I should watch it again.

Not just Cheery Littlebottom... STP has long been an advocate for at least a mildly more progressive view on such things. Discworld is filled with characters working against gender and racial stereotypes, and characters who hold those stereotypes growing and evolving past them (Fred Colon), or often receiving their

I read it as “if it’s not about you, chill out and follow the lead of the people it is about” — so even if the details don’t match the real world, the principle is pretty applicable.

I mean, that’s what weird right wingers are doing sure, but there was a whole slew of articles from various historians critiquing a few of the factual underpinnings of the 1619 Project.