It was so weird when I finally heard his real voice.

I don’t think people like to think about how effective and irresistible slave societies have historically been. Slave resistance has generally been at most a minor additional factor in their collapses after external disturbances.

Yeah, it’s definitely better that we got Cameron’s Aliens (probably the best scifi action movie ever) than Scott trying to rebottle the lightning.

Blade Runner with just Ridley Scott is Black Rain. Alien with just Ridley Scott is, well, Prometheus.

2049 has Joi, who embodies the question “what if the artificial person isn’t actually a real person.” That’s different from the original movie (though not the book), somewhat prescient to the real-life AI stuff and a take you don’t often see in popular scifi.

He turned down a threesome because he “didn’t want to be an orgy guy.”

British actors tend to be both 1.) experienced in Shakespeare and historical roles that producers think will add verisimilitude, and 2.) cheaper for their skill level than Americans.

Now I’m picturing a Steven Seagal version of Dracula rising from the coffin but continuing through a full 180 degrees of arc

It had to have been pretty weird for Alexandra Daddario, getting cast in The White Lotus as “preternaturally hot woman admitting to herself that her talent will never take her further as a writer than her looks will take her as a trophy wife” and then acting the shit out of the part. 

HOLT: “Alright detective, what’s this all about? You have 70 seconds.

Asked myself the same thing about whether I was watching a 3d version, and I also had trouble discerning some of the voiceovers with the weird echo it had.

Do the decadent shit whenever you feel like it, and then be low key and down-to-earth on the publicly known important dates when you know the masses will be watching.

James Cameron was basically the closest thing to the lesbian gaze in blockbuster cinema for decades, lol

Oh, she has tons of characterization, I just mean that the show sometimes costumes and shoots her in a way that makes sense for the character but has the side effect of being hot.

Shiv’s a little thirst trappy, at times.

Carpenter’s The Thing was pretty faithful to the actual plot of the short story as well, though. There’s a shape-shifting alien they dig out of the Antarctic ice, it infects the dogs first, they can only kill it with fire, they can detect it by heating a blood sample since the alien’s cells will act to protect their

“A dark presence uses a well-intentioned alcoholic’s own demons to turn him against his loved ones” versus “Jack Nicholson finally gets the excuse he’s been looking for to kill his family.”

Some of these guys (Trump, Dominique Strauss-Kahn) probably think they’re god’s gift to women, but some of the others are clearly getting off on how repulsed their victims are.

Heard the zoomers are referring to the 90s as “the late 1900s.”

“Velvet or velveteen. A gentleman must know the difference.”