It even had the sunlight squares, although the scale was off.
It even had the sunlight squares, although the scale was off.
The other way is an orgy.
I think it establishes that he sees his life as a sham, and also hints at a pretty strict, macho upbringing with his dad. It obviously doesn’t excuse how he deals with it, and most guys in his situation wouldn’t do what he’s done. But the ways in which he differs from any other middle-aged married guy on the downlow,…
Somebody mentioned that normally in high school shows, you have a bullying jock who is bad but in some ways sympathetic, with an abusive father who is the real monster, but this show kind of flipped it. Cal is a creep who fucked up his kids, but you see from the flashback how he became the way he is and even as an…
From a pragmatic perspective, I understand that these laws didn’t really do any good, and basically incentivized people with high-risk lifestyles to not get tested so that they wouldn’t know their status and couldn’t be charged.
I think Logan on some level convinced himself that he intended to do right by his children and that it’s a betrayal when they don’t trust him. But on another level, he deliberately set up a situation where it would overwhelmingly look like he was going to screw them over, thus guaranteeing that they would try to fight…
I disagree with the choice in isolation. They didn’t think that, oh I don’t know, the inventors of the covid vaccine might have been a better choice?
It was a long time ago, but I believe the thought was that a large landslide into the Georgia Strait could displace enough water to have essentially the same effect.
I had a geology course in first year undergrad, in which the professor would always use Vancouver as a case study for future disasters. He would talk about the massive fault line that hasn’t released stress in centuries, about the potential for tsunamis from that eventual earthquake, about fires, etc. The fact that…
Flying cars as people envision them (Jetsons, Blade Runner, Fifth Element) need antigravity thrusters based on physics that doesn’t exist. Real world attempts at flying cars have to hold themselves up by blowing lots of air downward very fast, and thus have basically ended up as shittier helicopters.
The Orochi looks like they intended it to look like a Lovecraftian nightmare car from the upside down, and if you like that aesthetic it works.
I think it was a bit more than just luck for Yukon/NWT/Nunavut. They really locked shit down to keep it away from the vulnerable populations.
Jeffrey Dahmer gets caught...
You could theoretically move en masse to states like Wisonsin, or swing districts in purple states. Otherwise, yes.
The situation in the Cold War was that both the US and Russia could completely annihilate the other at the press of a button, so any open conflict between them basically guaranteed both their extinctions. As such, the best strategy was to maintain equilibrium. Missile defense disrupted that equilibrium, and was…
From what little I saw of Revenge for Jolly! while channel-surfing, it was basically a John Wick-style dead dog revenge story, except the aggrieved owner was played as much more dead-eyed and sociopathic.
Here’s an oddball underworld weapons dealer the protagonists visit to arm up, who euphemizes his guns as bottles of wine or cuts of meat or cigars or something.
Okay, when did the dinosaurs die?