Do they have the music video for Werewolf Bar Mitzvah?

The vast majority of Victorian misogynists still pursued sexual relationships with women. Holmes’s unconflicted disinterest in any form of relationship fits asexuality fine.

They Live.

The Hateful Eight, also.

Specifically, that Gomez’s kidney transplant is not something you can joke about on TV, which makes it ironic.

All the stuff about Cherry the dwarf suggests to me that Pratchett would be pretty chill about it. It wasn’t exactly the same as the current politics about trans people, but it had a similar “social mores change and people have to relax and deal with it” vibe.

For the CBC Olympic theme music if nothing else.

..(and aren’t aardvarks).

That milestone is really more about determination than technological advancement.

The quantity of guns can speak to the mindset and inclination of the person, which can impact their dangerousness. It’s not unreasonable to think that someone might be more likely to kill someone if it looks like they’re armed up enough to hold off an FBI siege. We’re still not talking a huge likelihood, but still.

The elected president (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Balcerzak) of the Milwaukee police union from 2005 to 2009 was the same guy who was once called by some women who had found a naked 14-year-old with a head injury wandering the street, and decided (against their pleas!) to give the kid back to Jeffrey Dahmer.

They tried too hard on all the little luxury touches and ended up with it sounding like something out of the Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue.

I think they used mother’s education. Are you saying you don’t buy that it affects income but doesn’t affect life satisfaction?

People say the Hobbit films had the problems they had because of short schedules or Del Toro leaving, but pretty much all those films’ pathologies are evident in King Kong. Bloat, protracted CGI action sequences with weightless, cartoony physics, emotional subplots with side characters who are just a bit too thinly

Also, sperms don’t just turn into animals...

She was played by Martha MacIsaac in the TV show.

“Hahaha!!! I’m coming to see you Jack, and I’m bringing some friends!!!”

Nudity is the cheapest special effect.

Has anyone done a time loop movie where the time loopee just goes hard-core evil because nothing matters? Like Groundhog Day if Bill Murray was in the loop to teach him to be the serial killer he never knew he could be?