
I have no idea who Elsa Bloodstone is, but love the character design, and Jessica having to team up with a partner who annoys her obviously is always gold

The art is gorgeous

Sadly, I recall seeing Thompson confirm on Twitter after the last issue of Purple Daughter hit digital that it won’t be continued. This article briefly got my hopes up thinking that something had recently changed, but there’s no news I can find. :(

The appearance of both Else and Emma helped put these issues over the top for me (and they were already ace).

I’m really enjoying both the series and the format, and hope both prove successful.

Kelly Thompson’s Jessica Jones is pretty freaking awesome. She was pretty much the perfect writer to take over from Bendis.

Kinda reminds me of Nextwave

Need a “downvote” button on here.

You don’t actually think comparing something to Scott Pilgrim is an insult, right?  Orrr have you not actually read it....

Thanks for spotlighting this. Kelly Thompson has a great writing voice and her Kate Bishop is one of the most alive characters on the page. And Unbelievable Gwenpool was way better than anyone would have expected.


One of these days Kelly Thompson will be able to finish the story about Kate Bishop and her parents that she started writing in Hawkeye.

This is the first I heard about it, too. Bummer. This was a fun comic, and I really like the Kate versus Clint personality dynamic. I hope the long-running ‘Kate’s parents’ plot gets resolved in the way Thompson intended.

Take heart! The original West Coast Avengers run was a four-issue limited series (the last four months of 1984). Then a 102-issue run began almost a year later (starting in October, 1985). If Marvel keeps upping the profiles of Kate, America Chavez, Gwenpool, etc. (all have been added to Marvel-based games in the past

I TOTALLY missed that this got cancelled (although that may explain why the clerk looked kinda sad when he was giving me my weeklies on Wednesday). Spider-Man/Deadpool gets a 52 goddamn issue run, and this only makes it 10... ain’t no justice in this world.

Was disappointed in thinking they had done a space/time travel thing with the portal at the end of Issue #1 (and the cover art for the second-issue reinforcing that expectation).

I love everything about this. Everything.

dunno, man. Never heard of Oscar Bazaldua until just now and he looks like he’s trying to live up to those gorgeous Dodsons covers, which is no easy task. If he can pull off a good Dodson and/or Coipel look, fine by me.