
She didn't just ask for support, she singled out and called out people of color and gays (who happen to ALSO be women and Black/Latina women make less than their White counterparts) as if they have been largely inactive in the movement towards equality. Those movements towards civil rights and equality have always

Oh, honey, no. It's just really fucking tacky to make a big speech about wage equality and then ask queer women and women of color to pitch in and help, as if they haven't already been fighting in the fucking trenches of feminism for decades now. And I think you know that... or if you don't, you're dim as hell.

There are no "two sides," there is no street. Even ignoring her inability to grasp that there are women who are queer and women who are of color, the idea that "women" have been helping "the rest of us" and that we "owe" her is, first of all, hilariously narcissistic, but more importantly it's a common theme held

For your reference, a comparison:

Pro-tip folks: If you think that people criticizing Arquette's tone deaf (and frankly insulting) malarkey is somehow threatening to your willingness to be an "ally" to equal rights causes, you're doing it wrong.

I'm not talking about the fact that she's rich. What she said was not at all inclusive of WOC and especially, WOC that are queer. Men of colour do not have equal pay, so it cannot be 'their turn' to help out women, when they haven't got the turn that she thinks women have given them.

Those gay, black women definitely have all the luck.

Exactly. Clover writes an article that's like "Hey, this speech was great!" and then a comment that's "Oooh, face plant in the after speech." and people are like 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?' I mean, Jesus Christ, people. It would be really great if we could take 5 seconds to listen to other people, rather than

So, for me, I guess it's not that sexism is less important/impactful than homophobia or racism, but she didn't say "hey, oppressed people of the world, let's all band together against all of these horrible atrocities." Instead, she said that women have been fighting for the rights of POC and the LGBT community, and

You're aware that approximately half of gays and half of POC are women? Seems obvious, but when she says that POC aren't standing up for "women's rights," which group do you imagine she places you in?

The women's suffrage movement often discriminated against black women and other women of color, leaving then behind entirely once suffrage was won. There is a segment of RadFems who are viciously anti-trans. Also Anne Coulter exists.

Let's save the outrage for someone who deserves it.

There is a very specific line where she should have just. stopped. talking. Just stop talking, Patricia! Save yourself from looking like an asshole!

It's not a good look to police other people's perceived outrage, especially if you're going to misrepresent their criticism. Nobody said she was a monster. At the same time, not being a monster doesn't make you an "ally in every way"; she said something pretty clueless and offensive to some POC.

John Travolta was really ramping the creepy all the way to 100 last night — from manhandling Scarlett Johannson to all the face touching he was visiting on Idina Menzel.

it's also the same slap in the face that she herself was trying to complain about: it was a big You're Welcome For Your Rights, the same fucking shit men do all the time- you're welcome we let you do feminism, and completely disregarding all the work women have done.

volunteered her time for Haiti

If they don't let John Travolta host next year, they're really missing an opportunity.


Yeah. The biggest thing that sticks in my craw about that last statement is that it seems to imply that, you know, Gay and PoC have won their fight. Which they haven't. Not by a long shot.

Though, now that I think about it she didn't mention anything about transgenders, so, being a transgender woman, I guess that