I didn’t know that part of being an acceptable black man was having facial hair.
I had facial hair from my-teens to my late twenties, and now I don’t... so what? I wasn’t blacker with it, and I’m not less black without it.
I didn’t know that part of being an acceptable black man was having facial hair.
I had facial hair from my-teens to my late twenties, and now I don’t... so what? I wasn’t blacker with it, and I’m not less black without it.
You’re an imbecile if you think that the Democratic Party (or the Republican Party, for that matter) was around when the Constitution was written.
If you want to make a lazy, easily countered point that is at least has a GRAIN of truth, at the very least you could point to the Southern Democrats who opposed civil…
If the NBA didn’t have a salary cap LeBron would be making at least 50 mil.
There are two moments for me that best sum up what makes this show like no other... it’s this one and the time that Dennis chillingly discussed “the implication.”
The Dolezal Affair has made me want to find an essay that I read back in the 90s by a mixed-race woman who identifies as black (I’m not in any way comparing her to Dolezal, just to be clear) but who more or less looks white... she wasn’t passing, but she didn’t go around detailing her bloodlines every time that she…
When I was in high school, I (a black guy) occasionally rode the school bus with this kid Stan, a white guy. We weren’t pals, but we got along just fine. One day, as he sat a couple rows in front of me, he looked out of the window at a chubby black kid standing outside, chuckled, and loudly said, “Look at that fat…
I don’t think she’s arguing that she faces more racism than those of us with darker skin, or even the same amount, or that the pain that she feels regarding it is as visceral as what we’re likely to feel (for example, when I hear a homophobic remark it offends me, but I’m sure it doesn’t wound me in as raw a way as it…
Does anyone else remember the car commercial from the 80's in which the tween boy stared longingly at some nice car and moaned, "SOME day..."
Above we have the update.
Hey now... white actresses have fought for actresses of color to get to play supporting parts in movies with white-female leads, so now it's time for supporting actresses of color to fight for white lead actresses to get paid the same as their white-male co-stars.
For example, the white women in that movie about that…
Please stop with the ridiculous suggestion that there's a case to be made that Prime has a streaming service superior to Netflix's.
When I can afford to pay for Prime again I will, but there's no way in hell that I would stream exclusively using Prime.
Please stop with the ridiculous suggestion that there's a case to be made that Prime has a streaming service…
It sounds like a Boondocks character.
Another reason that men are drawn to beautiful young women is... that they're beautiful young women. It's really not that mysterious. Youthful beauty is very, very appealing, it always has been and it always will be.
"They're nice boys but not my cup of tea." Just how old do you think mid-thirties is?
Carson Daly WISHES he was the Jackie Robinson... Carson Daly is more like the Graig Nettles of late night.
If you put a gun to my head and ask me to name the greatest sitcom ever, I'll say Cheers. (Hell, I'll say it even if there isn't a gun to my head.)
Why do I keep tearing up as I watch this? I'm three for three so far.
I'm sure that Alicia will also tear up when she sees this.
It's nice to be reminded every now and then that We Are One, even though we forget it on a daily basis.
"Unrealistically affluent environments"? Unrealistic to you, maybe, but not to me, who was a young Huxtable out in the burbs...
Gwyneth is "awful"? Really? You're saying that she's a bad actress?
I'm disturbed by fellow black people who speak of how "white" they are.
What is that supposed to mean?
Presumably because on her show she plays an East Indian upper-middle-class woman who dates an endless string of white guys and no one else.
If Zooey Deschanel had dated nothing but black guys (or East Indian guys, for that matter) on her show, you can be damned sure that people would take note of it, and ask what the…