
Lord save me from all this performative white innocence.

Guys, at the risk of getting myself featured in the Clapback Mailbag for being so demanding:

On the contrary I’d say it’s exactly that emotional fragility, that unrelenting fear, that causes people to feel the need to dominate and subjugate everything they come in contact with.

Having guns, germs and steel on your side doesn’t make you emotionally robust and resilient. Being at the top of the socia l order

Why isn’t the discussion....Blake Griffin makes over $30 million a year!? LeBron James makes 35.5...it seems really crazy that they are this close to each other. Can someone explain, please?

It’s pretty crazy how recent it was. That’s why the arguments that there is no more racism or that institutional racism isn’t a thing make me so frustrated. These laws and policies were on the books and active not that long ago. There are still a lot of people out there, alive and well, who had to put up with those

Thanks for this piece. I grew up under the long shadow of this generation’s achievements against long odds. My dad’s father was a pioneering African-American aviator and aeronautical engineer at Tennessee State University. He trained a number of future Tuskegee Airmen and hundreds of others. At one point he was the

“And while there’s something vaguely unsettling about a bunch of grown men presumably commissioning their prop department to create a life-size recreation of a random teenage girl”

Unsettling? Really? I mean, come on. Honestly, this is a weirdly unsettling and unwarranted way to read of what’s a pretty nice gesture.

It highlights that one of the central failings of the Civil Rights movement of the Sixties is that the US “resolved” the matter of institutional bigotry by compromising. And the compromise was that we weren’t going to get rid of bigotry wholesale, but rather that we would only get rid of the bigotry that poor and

You do realize, that you don’t have to break off face to face. There are so many ways to call an engagement off without ghosting your soon to be ex partner. Ghosting someone is ALWAYS inexcuseable and tells a lot about the person who does it. Maybe the two weren’t so differet after all.

SLP was just stupid casting because in the book Tiffany is the same age as Pat (mid-30s), but the director of the film was all "Jennifer Lawrence is the only actress who has the talent and depth to play this role", blah, blah, blah. Nope. She's So Hot Right Now, that's why she got the role. Tiffany was not a complex

There’s definitely a difference in treatment that lighter-skinned Hispanics and darker-skinned Hispanics go through (I see this every day at work where 90% of my coworkers Hispanic). This is across all races/ethnicities (like, for real, lighter-skinned Hispanics are...something....against darker skinned Hispanics).

I think you’re being a little dense here. Of course the insults were directed at her. Despite her skin color she’s still hispanic. Whatever disgusting, racist thing they said was directed against her, her family and any member of her community.

I just experienced this at my last job. A bunch of the bearded rednecks thought they were making hilarious comments about our asian customers and kept saying ‘oriental’ and talking about how much their luggage stinks (it was an airline) and when i said i was asian they went, “oh my god we thought you were mexican we

It was directed at you, though! They just didn’t realize it.

I understand what you’re saying but I think it’s a little arrogant to imply it was any less painful for me to hear those things simply because it wasn’t directed at me.

I’m actually 100% white and I can’t fucking stand the “I’ve been privy to their racist comments against minorities because clearly ALL white people are in this together” thing either.* Some white people just assume that races are “teams” and we’re all obviously out to get each other.

I’m 100% Hispanic but am very light skinned and grew up with a white last name (long story) but I think I’m just as capable of experiencing racial discrimination as my darker brothers and sisters. Because many white people have assumed I’m white, I’ve been privy to their racist comments against minorities because

... but. she didn’t grow up facing discrimination or being held back because of her skin color.