
I'm a guy, and while I'm not obese (at 5-8+ I've ranged from 150 to 180, and I'm presently closer to the latter than the former), I've NEVER had a flat stomach. (Well, maybe I had one when I was 6 or 7 years old.)

It must be great to have a flat stomach... if I ever have one, I'll be pleased as punch (this might sound

"Hmm... I think I should speak to Wills about what is known as couples giving each other a 'free pass.'"

Huh... cops shoot black guys dead for less than this...

I'll try to explain this to you one more time.

I don't have a vested interest in "protecting the fragile egos of white women," I just hesitate to ascribe motivations to people based upon some assumption that they suffer from Mean Girls scars that have led them to express their disapproval of racism, and I was irked by

Okay, you have your own issues with the Jezebel readership... I'm not here on a regular basis, so I'll leave you to work those issues out with other people here.

I may have misread your intent earlier on... at first, your complaint about anti-racism posts on Jezebel came across to me like the typical conservative troll

By the same logic you're using, anyone who shows concern about any issue that doesn't directly affect them can be accused of doing so for some questionable reason.

"Hmm, so just what psychological issues were Schwerner and Goodman working through that caused them to go to the Jim Crow South and act superior to all

Being against racism doesn't mean that a person is "wounded" and "fragile," it just means that they have a basic sense of decency.

What should these hypothetical white girls do to show that they're un-wounded, strong, and not self-congratulatory? Be indifferent to racism?

You speak the truth!

Cage is an original, and he has a sizable reservoir of good will with me... as he's gotten older he's more and more drawn to studio schlock that doesn't greatly interest me... maybe it's for the paycheck, maybe it's that combined with other reasons... whatever, he can do his thing.

I'm confident

Hey, consider yourself lucky... I only meet my potential mates at eight-track stores.

Have you told these friends that it's not acceptable to you that they throw the N word around? Have they continued to do so anyway? If so, why are you still friends with them?

I'm indifferent to Drake's music, but I can still recognize that there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that he would partner up with Khloe.

This is a guy who Sam-and-Dianes with the likes of Rihanna... he's out of Khloe's league.

I come from the time when everyone went to school with at least one Jennifer and one Jessica...

I stopped watching Big Brother during the 2008 season (I was about to work 14 days straight at the US Open and my DVR was filling up, so I decided to bail on BB even though it was late in the season) and I haven't looked back, but I learned about the racist bile this season on various pages on Facebook and couldn't

Her mother hired the PR agency.

You know, in all seriousness, I read something once that said Ethel Merman was super-racist, that even by "the standards of her time" she was unusually racist.

I saw a clip on YouTube of Gina Marie's "nigger-insurance" comment... she grinned and whispered it to two different housemates in succession... she actually leaned in close to their ears and whispered it, but the mike still picked it up.

She knew that it's offensive... I mean really now... the woman is from New York

Here's one of my favorite parts of your link:

No. Full stop.


Don't mistake the lack of interest of most white students in joining black fraternities and sororities with a supposed "no white people allowed" policy of those organizations.

Read and learn:


The glory of YouTube! (Actually I already had this clip in Google Docs, as I'm in the middle of an OCD project of posting clips and/or trailers of hundreds of my favorite movies on Facebook.)

Okay, now I sound as strange as the seed guy, but it is what it is...