
Oh, I didn't realize that you hadn't posted the clip! (That's why I wanted to delete my link, as I thought I had mistakenly done what you had already done.)

Cool... maybe some people who haven't seen Dr. Strangelove (I'm sure there are a few out there) will be inspired to see it.


I hadn't noticed that RuthSlayer had already posted this below... how can I delete this? I don't see that option.

Oops, I hadn't noticed that you had already posted this... well, let me delete mine...

Not to mention the Paul Barresi stuff.

In the same way that I'm confident without firsthand evidence that Travolta is gay, I'm confident that there is some truth to the Rick Perry rumors.

I would be a lot less likely to assume that about Rick Santorum... religion can really brainwash people, and it's too simple-minded to suggest that the ONLY reason people

No, we had to wait for a white rapper to discuss similar things for that to happen...

Have you heard of Ice-T? He had anti-homophobic lyrics in his songs over 20 years ago.

From the video:

"Because the majority of men are judged by heterosexual females who are attracted and make overall judgements based more on personality."

You're in trouble, Gordon.

I don't care what neighborhood you grew up in... NO American can get away with calling a shopping cart a "trolley." Good Lord.

I know this guy who told me that Jack Clark likes to fuck sheep. Now, this guy is going to deny that he told me that, but whatever, I'm going to talk about it on my show tonight.

The percentage of white people without black friends is presumably higher than 40%, because the 40% figure was for whites without non-white friends of any kind.

I know what Pitchfork is about, and that this essay is from Jezebel, not Pitchfork; I was just being snarky.

I suppose that anything that draws attention from the public is worthy of being published by a website, given the hunger for page views all sites have, so you're probably right that this topic was worth an essay

One reason that I haven't watched MTV's "Catfish" is because the original movie seemed rather disingenuous.

It seemed to me that the co-director who was allegedly the victim of catfishing was being willfully oblivious to it for a while in order to further the storyline.

I don't trust the validity of the show either...

We black people are known for watching Catfish? Really?

Huh, I didn't know that... I guess I'd better program it into my DVR so I'm not clueless at our next group meeting. (That's on the 17th at The Atlanta Marriott, right?)

Fair enough... but I grow increasingly less bothered by white artists who "appropriate" slices of black culture, even ones that come from "certain black people on the fringes of society."

Culture should be (and IS) fluid, and artists build upon what came before them... just because Miley isn't taken very seriously by

Now playing

LOL... well, it involves a bit of dog-hugging (your photo makes an appearance), and is basically about the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity, tragedy, and evil. (And the more you know about the history of the last hundred years, the more resonance it will have.)

I don't watch it very often; usually

My (black) parents told me a story about a cruise they were on earlier this year, and one of their friends on ship was a white woman around their age (perhaps a bit younger, I don't remember).

One day, when the ship was stopping at a port in Italy, this woman asked my father if this was his first time in the country...