Dick Johnson

The people that fit into the middle of the venn diagram of “Can afford an expensive EV” and “owns a house they can charge at” have been saturated. For the rest of us that can’t afford one of the decent EVs, will never be able to buy a house, don’t want to buy a house, or all of the above are out of the market.

You can get a tesla model 3 for 32k after the federal rebate. Thats the cost of a camry. There is nothing unique about EV’s when it comes to data. What you are saying makes no sense

I think it all comes down to consumers just liking things that work well and disliking things that don’t. They really don’t care about the reasons behind what works and doesn’t, the excuses for what doesn’t in particular, or any of the other nuances that might come into play.

But if the company was purposefully deceptive in its presentation for IPO, then the company should still be liable for it. The price is based on the facts presented at the time. Otherwise companies will just lie to pump up the IPO price and there would be no consequences.

Did I say it wasn’t? Holy shit, why is everyone so God-damn anxious to be infuriated on the internet. At a minimum try not to be blatantly disingenuous with your insults.  

I’ve been thinking a lot about this incident and the take that resources were potentially wasted on five billionaires. I have thoughts, but no blog or anything so, I’m going to share them here.

No need to censor. She’s a cunt.

100% this. The vast majority of cruising sailboat owners are people who have worked their asses off in regular jobs, for many years, scrimping and saving and being as self-reliant as possible in order to fulfill a lifelong dream.

The glib attitude in this piece doesn’t come off well. Someone is bound to die soon from these attacks.

“All of this worries me, because I like Volvo, the Volvo that was happy to toil away out of the spotlight.” ROFL really? You are essentially saying, “Volvo I want you to faill financially AGAIN, because selling low volume cars worked so well the last time around.”

But...it’s a business. Volvo continuing to exist is a thing I would like more than it being overtly esoteric. Let us never forget SAAB.

Nuke the whales.

Seriously? No Mazda CX-5..??

He was a FORMER employee of the dealership he was proclaiming to be the finance manger to get this deal. This is a key detail left out of the story above (and it’s title). I am curious how he actually promoted these vehicles. Sounds like he mainly abused his relationships to trick people into not questioning or

If I’m paying 5% more than last year for steel, or aluminum, etc....how exactly am I going to lower the price?

New car inventory is very asymmetric right now. Some brands have inventory, and some don’t. As you can guess, the brands that people want to buy don’t have inventory and ones that people don’t want as much do. Then, you run into the problem that over the past few years people have been looking for higher trim levels

If this was a Tesla or any other EV (but especially if it was a Tesla) that would be in the headline. This car’s make and model aren’t even in the article.

as if every single millionaire doesn’t get the same pass on following rules?

In Minneapolis this was classified as “mostly peaceful protesting.”

Back in my day we had a better class of rich person, either driving a magnificent luxury sedan or a sports car like a 911. Now we have people spending 80k on a Tahoe that drives like a fancy U-Haul and that has such poor forward viability that every child or rock within a 10-foot radius is in imminent danger.