Dick Johnson

the liberals made Elon the wealthy man he is today

Aren’t the overwhelming number of Tesla owners by far left of center? This is what every published report I’ve seen seems to indicate.

Just get rid of the police...that solves the problem.  Nobody gets arrested for anything anyway 

Where are these cars being sold way over sticker?  My area hasn’t been over sticker for over a year and most are discounted like pre-covid.  

Depends on the state....In some states (CT and Mass that I know of for sure) the mfg are required to pay the same retail rate as a consumer for warranty work. The dealers got this pushed thru state legislatures and these dealers have no problem doing warranty work. OTOH my local Hyundai dealer has stacks of engine

Alot of people don’t realize their insurance or secondary insurance (credit card companies) won’t pay for cars over a certain dollar amount of MSRP.  So lots of folks are using “their” insurance that won’t cover them in the event of a problem.   Read the fine print.  

Hertz recently reported they are running into much higher damaged vehicle costs compared to ICE vehicles

Until private jets are banned for everyone, especially politicians going to climate meetings this is all just useless noise. 

Republicans can’t protect guns without help from the Democrats. Try not to put your head in the political toxic sand and look at reality.  Be part of the solution not part of the problem by blaming political parties. 

Okay Goebbels 

Actually the carmakers are the biggest benefactor of dealerships...nobody needs a dealership to sell a hot car but the vast majority of cars sold are average movers or outright sales turds...the dealerships give the carmakers a place to dump these sales bombs and get hundreds of millions of dollars off their books

He must be looking for new customers...the hard left is fully onboard with his antisemitic hate so they can hate together.   

I call BS on this...I know some car dealers and they would sell anything if there is a buyer.   They have no interest in a car sitting on the lot costing them money.  Turn the inventory is their battle cry....on top of that they told me that EV buyers are often trading in good retail ICE vehicles that actually sell

But wall Street is almost totally Democrat and has been for years ....they control the money to make these mergers happen.

Influencer is a fancy word for total asshole 

The dealers near my place in CT are pretty good about keeping the in-stock inventory online correctly and are not charging over sticker. Quite a few are discounting without forced add-ons and outrageous dealer fees . At my place in south Florida its like the wild wild west of car buying. fake pics, make up anything

People who say those things about other generally are exactly what they accuse others of being.  Regardless of political leanings. 

your bigotry is showing 

EV’s are very expensive to repair...I’m guessing this is playing a role in the gaffing. 

Burke is a retired physician who practiced in Colorado and founded Denver Spine and Rehab. He is currently the CEO of Injury Finance, LLC, which provides medical lien services for third-party liability claims...he now lives in Key Largo not Key west.