Dick Johnson

This is all accurate, but I also think a lot of it has to do with lack of human interaction outside of family and people at work. A lot of people spend the rest of their time with their heads down or just giving a “thanks” to a service worker. All of their other stimulation comes from social media/news/clickbait, and

Also, kids, for some time now, no longer have to learn conflict negotiation or how to deal with loss. I realize this has turned into almost a “meme”, at this point, but participation trophies, not keeping score in events, parents fighting their battles, have all contributed to a complete lack of emotional training for

Amen, brother! China hasn’t had an original thought since the invention of gunpowder. It is an economy built on intellectual theft. The easiest way to topple the Chinese Communist Party would be to cut off trade. Period. Yes, we would also bear some cost, but nothing like the revolution on the streets that will come

The simple fact is that we know China has no qualms about stealing IP and trade secrets to further their business needs, so one has to question why anyone would do business with them in the first place. There is no honor among thieves, when you lie down with dogs you get fleas, and all the other old adages apply.

If you desperately need to order mediocre pizza before you finish your commute home”

And here the comes... more proof that when your sustainability policy is driven by poli sci majors and drop-outs?

I’m definitely not going to waste 30 minutes listening to a car youtuber talk about the politics behind nuclear strategy.  

Mazda makes no-mans-land cars that are very confused about their identity. Too expensive for what they actually are (nice shitboxes), not premium at all in comparison to luxury brands and they lack the massive thing that makes luxury cars what they are; powerful and packed with new tech.

It’s probably a fine SUV, and I am glad Mazda is finally building a PHEV, but

So Mazda is basically sneakers sold at Target instead of Walmart.

You sure about BMW and Mercedes? 😂

That’s why you never have the fish

This was passed by large majorities in both parties. 

If you like nature/hiking/lakes/etc, it’s actually a pretty nice place to visit in the spring/fall. Would be awful to live there, especially in summer, but not a bad place to disconnect for a bit.

What they did is more practical than it looks on paper. They were $20k $14k (corrected) underwater. There is no magic way to erase that. They owe that $20k $14k to someone regardless of their next steps.

I enjoy my freedom to not have to live in a city, thanks.

It honestly just isn’t realistic to think this kind of change is feasible. I fully accept that manmade climate change is  here and that we are screwed, but I also think we are fully fucked already regardless of what we do. I’m going to buy an EV as soon is I can afford one that would meet my needs, and I’m interested

The point was the timing in a very serious emergency situation, not the required payment. They obviously could pay - they ended up doing just that (too late as it turns out). This was an emergency situation where every second was essential to getting this kid back safe and any reasonable person would have assisted