Dick Johnson

I have been called that word. I’m for giving the dealership the benefit of the doubt because I remember when I used to go to Radio Shack and type the following into their display computers:

“I think somebody should have looked into this and seen it before it happened, seen it before any customer got treated in this manner that day,” Alston told the outlet.

I always thought “California hates poor people, but really wants them to move there” was kind of a cynical throwaway term idiots used when they couldn’t come up with something more creative.

Why did the idiot in the Range Rover not hit the gas? You got four wheel drive! Get the tiers digging into the snow instead of locking up the breaks and sliding down the in a 100K sled. Get the wheels turning,

The Maserati he received:

Why should Buttigieg be involved with this?

I think most consumers really don’t give a crap about boring interiors and unintuitive controls. Just look at the history of all of the best selling models for the past 30 years, it’s usually uninspired economy cars like the Corollas and Civics.

They will *attempt* to ban them by 2035.

I’m bullish on the future of EVs, and I seem to preface many or maybe most of my EV-related comments with this statement. However, the battery and charging tech, as well as the charging networks are just not there for me to jump into the EV world, yet.

Batteries are still too heavy. Charging stinks.

and then there is NJ, where you can’t charge your car yourself.

This is what lots of people know, but nobody wants to say: electric car charging is not profitable. That’s why the charger companies, like EA, have little incentive to keep the chargers working. Unless a DC station is utilized 24/7, the incremental revenue from each station isn’t worth keeping it operating.

Have you tried it? I have driven in autopilot for over 21,000 miles from snowy mountains to foggy streets. It’s mind blowing. It’s ready. There’s too much regulation in the USA which is why this couldn’t be done earlier 

If you make money by having and selling opinions, either to news outlets, tv, or people, having long term and fewer opinions is bad for business. 

Unless you have a lot of batteries, solar and wind are not primary generation sources.

I don’t understand the “why?” On the surface level, Money of course. But it makes me wonder if GM is on the offensive to buy out Tesla. Their stock price is vastly inflated due to speculation but if the bubble were to eventually pop GM could easily swoop in and buy all the shares when the mass sell offs happen.  If GM

I hate scofflaws just as much as anyone, but this was petty bullshit.

Literally none of this is true. These airplanes are fully recommissioned according to FAA regulations and are continuously refurbished / rebuilt according to modern specs.

I was going to comment on his video, but that would be rewarding the turd for “engagement.” He’s ignorant. He has no clue what off-roading is. His carbon footprint is almost as big as some African counties when you consider what he bought and destroyed in record time (I can guess how much mining, materials transport, r

um, idk. Prior to the institution of airport screening in 1972 there were 159 US aircraft hijackings in the proceeding 3 years.

LOL- Looks like the 50 cent army is on Jalopnik too. Tell Xi that Winnie the pooh still loves him despite being banned.  PS: Nobody believes a word any of you CCP propagandists say.