Dick Johnson

That is really the crux of it. The people who had their car seized because of a roach, or tickets, or speeding, etc have committed a crime, no matter how minor. However, simply being a citizen of an unfavored country is not a crime in and of itself. It is not a crime to simply be Russian, and we shouldn’t criminalize

What do you do when SCOTUS says they’ve been improperly seized and the Russian oligarchs are due their stuff back in pristine order, or money in lieu thereof? And if you think that would never happen, then you haven’t checked the makeup or ideology of the current bench lately. At least if we’re keeping them in order

scuttling perfectly good ships is ecologically abhorrent.

Unsafe? Lt. Frank Cannon drove Lincolns like this, and possibly had his own 1-2 second delay, but managed to evade bad guys for five seasons!

Sigh.... another clickbait headline. I feel cheated.

When it comes to customer support and admitting their cars are garbage, there is no more arrogant manufacturer than Hyundai. Do. Not. Buy. Them.  You’ll thank me later.

Am I? Everywhere I go? And right now law enforcement needs a pen trap order, a warrant, to collect on my phone, but has records of my license plate location virtually all the time. Are you absolutely certain this transponder will be any different? Willing to bet your liberty on it? How many hours do you think it will

Everyone in the country wearing a high-powered transponder. Can’t think of any way that could go wrong.

Basically nobody steps out onto the road without a beacon.

Actually is called " driving " and if find it that difficult you absolutely should not be driving 

It’s not that it “hasn’t been solved.” The problem is suburban spawl and mountains.

No fan of car dealers but I don’t remember howls of outrage when dealers sold cars for less than MSRP. Bottom line -the price of a car is what someone is willing to sell it for. Find the best price you can then decide if the car is worth it.

Congratulations, you’ve found the most irrelevant thing to focus on, while ignoring that police literally attacked a vehicle.

Some people never want the pandemic to end because they love idea that their hermit lifestyle is heroic rather than sad.

True, but you seem to be conveniently forgetting or omitting quite a few things:

Do you have any idea how much EVs cost? Also not everyone lives in an area where charging is easily accomplished.

Also the assumption that politicians can understand the data that would be required to decide on these arbitrary dates.

Two things are all over the comments.

Fuck off China, how about that?

Wrong website for you. This is a car blog.