Europe is a dump and always has been
Europe is a dump and always has been
I thought jalopnik was nothing but a bunch of there is no sex in any car
you might want to seek some mental health care...clearly you are deranged and probably dangerous
really? You might want to stop drinking before noon
Make charging cars profitable and there will be plenty of them and always working.
Stand by for all the tank experts
Doesn’t Tesla have like 65% of the EV market?
Many areas have EV’s readily available...the demand is stong in just a handful of areas. Take a look at the sales of EV and where they are located.
Connecticut is a very Blue state at every level. I’m surprised by this.
I have been renting from Turo for a couple years now and I can tell you I drive the snot out of the cars...
and people who make cry baby posts on jalopnik
The Amish driving skills exceed that of any BMW driver
No one predicts a profit ever unless they can unload the debt anchor at mafia interest rates.
Sorta the way Steve Jobs nearly put apple out of business the first time he ran it.
a politician who lied??? say it isn’t so.
Kinda like the jolopnik posters blame everything bad in the world on political parties and politicians they don’t like.....
Only political head cases care....most people are clueless or simply don’t care. I am in the don’t care cat. and like my Tesla.
at least I can now pronounce mesothelioma thanks to the low rent lawyer commercials...
So what if China decided that if you voted for XXXXXXXXXX your a threat to their country and they started to seize your stuff via the internet.... got a problem with that?
you might want to try that free mental healthcare yo got promised, now...