Dick Johnson

You know what is the worst?  A passenger airline pilot who gets drug tested.  What bogus crap is that?

are you so ignorant this actually believe what you posted or are you just a proud bigot?

They pull this stunt every year around the holidays.   

NOBODY on jalopnik has ever been accused of being the life of a party

I bet you would like to be a dick with his checkbook

all the same people who said he would never ever ever ever complete the purchase of twitter are all now twitter business experts   hahahahahaha

Good cars????  drive by your local Hyundai dealership and look how many cars are waiting for engines.

Why would you ever live in a place like this? please move

you know when everyone and everything is racist it means nothing is racist.

I bet they can’t get rid of it as fast as the people of MVY got rid of nice brown visitors from Florida

Pandemic is over....Joe said so

Actually they don’t trust politicians, who have their hand in the lawyer & insurance lobby till.

What if its a real stolen car?>

There is no room for the voice of reason on here!

So poor people get screwed as usual...because all business costs get passed on.


Really?  how many times in the past 60 years have you heard this happening to Honda???  ONCE is the correct answer.   In your world this is poor internal controls?   wow you must be pleasant to work with

wow....what made you such an asshole?

so if it went the other way you would be okay with it also?

total non-sense. Mazda’s AWD is superior to Subaru’s