Dick Johnson

hahahahaha....you’ll never catch him/her/it

So essentially the EV supply market will be like the oil producers of the middle east who held the planet hostage for decades...now its China’s turn to do the same.  The EV world will bow to China

Which will be when they start a war

wow....talk about a tin foil hat wearer.  

Why don’t you do it with your money instead of telling others how to spend theirs?

They have contractual increased every year...so saying no raises is totally false

perhaps the dumbest thing I have ever read

Actually its in the best interest of the CEO to do what the owners of the company wants....

Never happen...the King of the democratic party owns railroads.

but yet when their favorite celeb flys around in private jets...nobody says anything....but god forbid somebody wants to take a cruise and their should be in jail for destroying the planet.  

The cry baby tantrums over DeSantis or any politician is enough to want to vote for them

IMHO the best reviews are 2-4 stars. 1 star is usually a tantrum and 5 star is often too good to be true. the mid stars usually means somebody is actually thinking about the review

and don’t forget all the software programs that companies use to rig the reviews.   

NASCAR girls can beat up most of the men...so I doubt it.

it only fails when politicians muddy up the waters

I wonder what the environmental cost of this will be short and long term if any?

Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser......hands down winner!

What is the benefit to the carmaker to have direct sales?  

What makes you think “eliminating the middleman’ will result in lower prices or a better experience? They will now have to swallow all the dealers costs. They will still need service centers, sales centers, inventory storage, additional advertising costs, additional personnel costs etc....I am very interested in a
