I mean, he did at least shed the hideous yellow tie? If time is cruel, perhaps she can also be kind?
Can you imagine if Trump expirss before his stranglehold on the GOP wanes? Every red state politician with their eye on national office will be rushing to name whatever they can after The Great Pumpkin, in a desperate attempt to curry favor with MAGA voters.
Well, now he is trying to sue social media, so we’ll see how that goes.
DeSantis, who is younger and objectively better looking than Trump
So basically
Ever since trump was generally banned from social media, his power has been diminishing like a slowly deflating balloon.
Hmm it appears I need to go to Costco to get a 5 gallon bag of popcorn so I can watch this go down.
Maybe the trumpy people will kill desantis and the hamburglar will choke to death on his big mac and all this will sort itself out.
Because there’s no amount of goodwill you can build up with Trump that would ever lead him to choose not to go completely scorched earth on you for any perceived slight, and because ANYTHING other than constant, obsequious ass-kissing Trump will choose to perceive as a slight. And, man, you can glean everything you…
I’ve been thinking this for weeks, there is literally nothing to gain by giving this barely sentient potato more attention
That drives me nuts every time it comes up! That’s not what, or who for the most part, HIPAA applies to!
She’s a fucking moron. Full stop.
The holocaust comparisons are disgusting and a lot has been said about that so I won’t add to it.
the levels of serious disease requiring PED treatments is way higher for athletes than the general population!
I don’t think that’s what makes marijuana potentially a performance enhancing drug. Alcohol can also ease anxiety, and marijuana can also make anxiety worse. I don’t think I’d use it if I was going to be in front of a big crowd in a life-defining event, at least not for the purpose of easing anxiety, because that…
It varies with the sport. Some are genuinely at the physical limit, like cycling - you have to be insanely tough to be a professional road racer, but being tougher than the rest isn’t what wins you races.