I’m surprised there is no reference to the most egregious Mother/Son casting of all, the original “Manchurian Candidate”, where a 39 year old Angela Lansbury was cast as the mother of 38 year old Lawrence Harvey.
I’m surprised there is no reference to the most egregious Mother/Son casting of all, the original “Manchurian Candidate”, where a 39 year old Angela Lansbury was cast as the mother of 38 year old Lawrence Harvey.
In regard to the Sandworms, to me they are like an analog to a dragon. A hugely destructive force of nature that jealously guards their “horde of treasure.” In this case, the Spice.
I rather liked Heretics and Chapterhouse because they really shook up the narrative and introduced us to a completely different set of characters, (Except for one rather hapless ghola.)
I tend to think of Harry Turtledove as EWLSFW, but given the quality Herbert and Anderson’s dreadful offerings I think that is just splitting hairs between bad authors.
The costuming was hot garbage, however, the cinematography was pretty good by Vittorio Storaro. The problem was the limited budget made everything look so cheap.
Of all of them, I think Mary Trump is the least objectionable. I found her first book very readable and the fact is that she is the least comprised of all of these people in that she did not aid and abet Agolf Cheeseskin’s miserable administration. I fact, she was literally trying to warn people that he was capable of…
I wish Shaquille Brewster had said on camera ‘What kind of white foolishness is this?’
Maybe they have some weird, consensual sex thing where he gives her molly that blacks her out so he can have his way with her.
Why not call it “The DeSantis Variant” since if we do get it, it will almost certainly come out of Florida.
That’s all we need. Another moron doing political kabuki for the masses of knuckle draggers and hoovering up their money through some half assed PAC.
Somehow, I think a chorus of kazoo players giving a rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic would be both appropriate and hilarious.
So the woman turned him into the FBI? Ladies, you know what this means?
I don’t know why I even come here anymore.
Nothing like an endorsement of hate-filled religious nuts from a self loathing gay man with a huge drinking problem.
It’s times like these that I always turn to the wisest man in history.
There is something off in both those pictures and I realized it was those dead looking eyes. It’s very unsettling when you see it.
The only information I need to hear about this sentient cabbage is to confirm whether or not she gave reconnaissance tours of the Capitol to the other traitors on January 5.
I have really enjoyed reading the comments in this thread. It’s good to see people making intelligent, nuanced arguments even if you don’t quite agree with them. Respect to you all.