God Emperor, Heretics, and Chapterhouse get... weird, sure, but they were still well written. It’s the dumbass prequels that must never be spoken of.
God Emperor, Heretics, and Chapterhouse get... weird, sure, but they were still well written. It’s the dumbass prequels that must never be spoken of.
That “The Spice” thing that everyone who’s read Dune keeps going on about? One of the reasons it’s as valuable in the fictional universe as it is is it extends lifespan, up to a factor of about three. Thus, you could argue from canon for the woman playing Jessica to be eight years older then the guy playing…
He’s supposed to be 15 in the books, eventually reaching 19 by the end of the first novel. Ferguson is actually about the right age for that, if you assume that Jessica became Leto’s concubine in her early twenties or late teens. Same for Oscar Isaac at 42 - he’s old enough to plausibly be the father of a teenager.
It’s not out of the question for Leto and Rebecca to have Paul in their teenage years, given that Leto is the duke of one of the greatest noble houses in the universe, and all that shit is tied up in bloodlines and whatnot, even in the year 10,000. When you come of age it’s time to make more heirs.
Yes, the sequel makes it clear that Paul’s rise to power wasn’t really a good thing for the people of the Empire and is a reflection on the theme that most of the “great men” we idolize like Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, etc. ended up killing huge numbers of people.
Good news everyone! Since saying I made it to Page 113 of the first book on the Dune movie review, I’ve since made it to Page 157 and hope to read more at some point!
Or as I like to refer to them, “Herbert the Lesser” and “Earth’s Worst Living Science Fiction Writer.”
I would really like to see an adaptation of Heretics and Chapterhouse, and then have someone who is not Brian Herbert or Kevin Anderson finish the trilogy.
“...decreased by approximately 2000%” Er...
Fuck these “insider accounts.” The dirt was dished in public view for four years. All these assholes were co-conspirators. Unless these accounts are being used as testimony in criminal cases, not interested.
Your screen name is magical.
This all seems too complex and self-aware for Trump mid-rant. I suspect his mental response was more like “Did someone let a black person in?”
The creature has slipped its bonds, attacked its creator and escaped the lab.
I never actively wish for someone’s death, no matter how loathsome or stupid they are, but I am finding it harder and harder to care about the fate of the “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS LIBTARD” crew as they actively try to shorten their lives and the lives of everyone around them. My family and I are vaccinated, I know that’s…
I’d genuinely like to know what he thought when they booed this comment. “Surely they’re not booing ME??” Or “uh oh, the natives are getting restless, better get the limo warmed up.” For someone who only does these to get his tongue bath from the cultists, this had to be a little disconcerting for him. They may…
as a proud sycophant of T***p, I can confirm with almost total certainty that yes, this was transactional. Only suckers do stuff for love or gratuitously. As for now being able to invoke spousal privilege, I suspect having his douchebro’s testimony has far more weight than hers.
Wouldn't it be grosser if it wasn't?
Imagine hitting the privilege jackpot of being wealthy, white, conventional pretty and yet settling for an even creepier Mr. Eraserhead. She thinks he is going somewhere, so she’s decided to hitch her wagon to him. But all signs point to jail. Once his father is no longer around or able to prop him up, he will be a…