“1. ...increased risk taking, slower reaction times and poor executive function or decision making.”
“1. ...increased risk taking, slower reaction times and poor executive function or decision making.”
Well . . . maybe it is for the Nathan’s Hotdog Eating Contest and other eating contests. But that’s probably it.
““Based on current animal and human studies as well as on interviews with athletes and information from the field, cannabis can be performance enhancing for some athletes and sports disciplines.””
(draws deep breath)
Jason Miller looks like someone blew up a balloon and drew a face on it.
Jason Miller is a piece of shit.
LOL imagine if he slipped during a rally and called them “trailer trash” and instead of getting pissed off they ate it up. Wouldn’t it be spectacular to watch him double and triple and quadruple down on those comments? These are after all the same idiots who would support him if he shot someone on 5th Avenue, and…
To limit the damage to the “deaths of 200,000" is kind of outrageous. A civilization was destroyed. Infrastructure, wells, viaducts, museums, electrical systems. Iraq had a higher literacy rate than the US prior to the invasion. Generations have by now grown up familiar with extreme violence and traumatized by their…
First comment I just saw about his death on Arabic Twitter was ألف لعنة على روحك , a thousand curses on your soul, and I doubt it’ll get any better from there.
Aside from their innocent civilians, we needlessly lost a lot of our soldiers (aside from the ones permanently maimed) to Bush’s middle east folly. And none of our ‘freedums’ were protected.
Donnie, this is what you and your family would look like if you hadn’t been born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You all are just as undereducated, gullible, and classless as these fools only your clothes are more expensive.
He usually only watches himself on TV, not caring about the audience as long as they clap and give him money. They might as well be seals. The insurrection was probably the first time he saw them close up.
He knows who they are. He knows he needs them. And he knows they won’t care that he called them trailer trash. A large swath of this country is made of morons and that’s been no better highlighted than the previous 5 years.
Their “support” of her has nothing whatsoever to do with her bodily autonomy, and everything to do with her right to access the money she made. That’s the only reason a republican would weigh in on this (aside from an excuse to grab airtime, as goddessoftransitory pointed out). It’s always about money with them (and…
Well, I can tell you that matt gaetz is trying to push for positivity from women after it was revealed that he raped a minor in some kind of fucked up pedo ring, as for ted cruz? He’s basically a drunk parrot with mental problems piloting an old-world style marionette filled with expired meat and onions that’s just…
Of course it’s opportunistic. These scumbags see everything (no matter how delusionally) as a way for more press/screen time. They wouldn’t care about Spears if they fell over her otherwise.
Everything about the right wing is a scam/grift.