Sandwich Librarian

There is something off in both those pictures and I realized it was those dead looking eyes. It’s very unsettling when you see it.

The only information I need to hear about this sentient cabbage is to confirm whether or not she gave reconnaissance tours of the Capitol to the other traitors on January 5.

I have really enjoyed reading the comments in this thread. It’s good to see people making intelligent, nuanced arguments even if you don’t quite agree with them. Respect to you all.


Great, do Cheney next.

“A large swath of this country is made of morons and that’s been no better highlighted than the previous 5 years.”

Gaetz, the lantern-jawed congressman beady eyed shit weasel who was the only congressman to vote against a human trafficking’s bill, and is generally considered to be one of the worst people in Florida despite the fierce competition for the title.

The former president’s response to the Capitol attack—which he reported watched on television—consisted mostly of “puzzlement,” according to Wolff. Trump is said to have openly wondered “who these people were with their low-rent ‘trailer camp’ bearing and their ‘get-ups.’”

A picture of that face should be posted in every squad room in the country as a reminder.

My only guess as to why anybody worked there was they were hoping for some sort of sweet book deal when they were done. They were willing to put up with a chaotic, dysfunctional workplace during the day and in their off hours hung out at the Trump Hotel, which was the only place they could order food without

He probably would have come off better if he filmed himself from a Dutch angle.

I find it fascinating that when people draw back the curtains on that cluster-fuck of an administration, the details of what actually happened are completely unsurprising.

The risk of injury is high when you do action scenes with elderly actors. And they aren’t really that effective. Case in point.

It’s funny how easy it is to trigger a narcissistic psychopath.

We have reached the point in our development as a society where the super rich are starting their own rocket companies because they know that Earth is becoming a shit hole. I expect they will build their own space stations from which they will sell water and guns to all us Earth-bound losers

I’m as eager as anyone to see Herr Flaxencoiff go to jail, but I don’t think she should be going on CNN and offering opinions on what the DA and the SDNY are focusing on in their investigations. If you really don’t want to see Waddles run again, keeping your mouth shut is probably the best way to make sure it doesn’t

Sounds like a great teacher, if he was teaching 8th graders about Nihilism.

Imma gonna guess that there is something shady in his past that is about to come out and he pulled this stunt to set up an insanity defense, prophylactically.