Sandwich Librarian

Another favorite:

Thanks, I was wondering when we were going to have to fight the Butlerian Jihad. Could be next Thursday.

He claims that this proposed commission is just Democrats trying to “debate things that occurred in the past.”’

Empty G isn’t doing any real work, she’s just shilling nonsense that the knuckle draggers like to hear to encourage them to send her money.

Is there a reason why G/O Media is being quiet about winning that case that Jason Miller brought against Splinter and he now has to pay all of G/O court costs?

There may also be a correlation between states with a high rate of vaccinations and educational attainment. Also, Massachusetts has universal health care, (as does Hawaii,) and health care is a central part of our lives. On Cape Cod we are leading the state in vaccination rates, likely because we are the third oldest

He messed up the part about killing himself after he found out that his child bride died by suicide.

Apoplectic is one of my favorite words! So is Paroxysm. They both describe a similar reaction.

Somebody make sure that Waddles sees these remarks. After Letitia James saying they are filing a criminal complaint against him, 35 Republicans voting for a January 6 probe, and knowing that a black man is calling him a corrupt motherfucker, this might the thing that triggers his long awaited stroke.

Fortunately, the mental health community has discovered a cure for “Foxitis.

“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully— but they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum.”

If you are not going to work in the interests of the voters, then maybe the state politicians shouldn’t get paid either.

I’ve got a friend with a Masters Degree who had been working part time for us because she has small children. When the pandemic hit, she reluctantly had to stop working because two separate in-home day care workers she hired contracted the virus elsewhere and couldn’t look after her kids.

Wouldn’t be surprised if such a photo exists, given how clumsy these two idiots were in covering their tracks.

Folsom Prison Blues” might be next up on his set list.

The story is great, but the cast is outstanding, Whitmore especially. Add Gwenn, James Arness, and Weldon. And the future Davy Crockett/Daniel Boone, Fess Parker, has a cameo as a drunk who saw the ants crawl into the LA sewer system!

It’s still amazing to me how the Republicans will sacrifice all their principles, integrity, class, and moral convictions to service the ego of a man who will toss them aside the moment he feels they are not being obsequious enough to him.

I like Meatsweats Marj. I also like Empty Greene.

“Back to Back Impeachment Champ”?