Can a congressional representative file a restraining order against another representative?
Can a congressional representative file a restraining order against another representative?
I’m wondering if the Jewish Space Lasers were working in tandem with the Italian Vote-Changing Satellites.
This must be the easiest lawyering job in the country. How often do you get handed a case where you know, going in, that half of the jury will never convict your client under any circumstances? Of course you have to worry about your professional reputation, but that boat sailed a long time ago for these two assholes.
We prefer to call ourselves “Inhibitors.”
The water table is probably about 10 feet down, which means your septic tank is going to fill a lot faster there. Hope they have municipal water, otherwise the tap water is going to become somewhat fragrant.
Fucking good. Let these bomb throwing attention whores be the face of the GOP. Let them radicalize their party and suck away the ‘moderate’ elements and turn the suburbs permanently blue.
The USVI are all pretty laid back. They probably chose it because it’s less likely that a mob of deranged idiots, egged on by your co-worker, will storm your house and hang you.
If you can’t do the time, then snitch out all the losers that you’ve surrounded yourself with.
If any of these losers actually had girlfriends the whole incident never would have happened.
“Dismissed by the media and treated with disdain by their elected leaders, these citizens come together and form groups that often draw more media fire as anti-government hate gatherings. Feeling alienated from their government and the rest of society, they often become disenchanted and slip into talks of ‘conspiracy…
It is the sad tale of many relatively successful people with frail, mediocre personalities. The sweet taste of success makes them think they are invincible and they begin acting like they are a master of the universe, completely dismissing all their previous self knowledge of their personal limitations.
I wonder if Rudy’s going to argue that ‘The truth isn’t the truth!’ before an actual judge.
I don’t know, Bolsonaro seems like he cannot get enough of them.
I think the former employees of Waddles administration should form their own ODESSA organization and flee to South America on fake passports.
And now, our barfing has ended.
I can’t snark on this. Claudia sounds like she needs support and for whatever reason she isn’t getting it. I don’t think it helps that unlike other teenagers, her social media feed gets injected straight into the mass media aquarium.
Well he’s young an relatively fit, and the people who he appeals to probably assume every disabled person fitting that description is naturally a para-olympian. These are also the same schmucks who ask all black if they know Oprah.
I, too, am “disheartened still to know (sic) that I won’t get to represent my country as an olympian.” This is because I am a middle age office worker who has not been able to get to the gym for the last year and do not even possess delusions of adequacy.
That button needs to be preserved so that it can serve as the centerpiece for the new 2 billion dollar Trump Library. I’m not sure what else the library will hold.
What a Cinderella story. He went from being a Blobfish to a remora.