Sandwich Librarian

He needs to be disqualified from ever running for office again, either through impeachment or by a congressional act. There are too many of his followers, who believe that Barak Obama using Italian satellites hacked into voting machines to alter the election, who would vote for him again.

I’m just waiting for the My Pillow idiot to throw him under the bus too.

Our path forward is to come together, find our commonalities, and be the kind and strong people that I know we are.

Yeah, they were concerned about the “optics.” I don’t think they really know what that word means.

How did the Qanon “Shaman” even make it back home? If there was a more identifiable rioter in this whole debacle, he never should have been allowed to leave the Capitol.

This is a really eclectic reading community, and it’s good to see.

American business can be reliably counted on the carefully gauge which way the wind is blowing then jump on the bandwagon and say, “We’re all in this together!”

Has anyone noticed that this entire debacle has all the earmarks of a Roger Stone operation?

Someone check her resignation letter and see if it was spelled correctly.

I feel like all this insanity started when McConnel refused to hear Merrick Garland’s nomination for the Supreme Court. It feels like we have somewhat come full circle.

Bye-bye Nazi Rapunzel, and good luck at untying all the knots you twisted yourself into trying to stay on message with your fat, orange master.

Oh yes, Nunes, Jordan, Cruz, Gaetz, Gohmert, Paul. If you went through all of them, you would have to rest for a few days so your fists could recover.

This should be his Twitter profile picture.

at the end of the 30-minute action, they propped up some signs against a tree, left some candles, and thanked the police officers who were there.”

The Mango-hued Shitgibbon, (Thank you, Scotland), lost touch with reality a long time ago. It’s time to hold his enablers accountable, every last one of them in the entire MAGA terrarium, just to drive the point home that associating yourself with this fat, ludicrous, creamsicle fraud of a man will lead you to

The Georgia AG has the right idea. Anyone having a conversation with Waddles this week should do so with their own legal advisor and a recorded back up of the conversation.

Oh yes, the Dunning/Kruger Effect, illustrated perfectly in real life.

I think it’s time to change the animal symbol for the GOP from an elephant to a lemming.