Sandwich Librarian

To be honest, I don’t think that there are a lot of people doing much of anything in their offices. Most of the what is left of the administrative leadership is new, incompetent, and not getting a lot of direction. I would imagine there is a lot of concern as to what to put on their resumes that explains what they

A mid-decade (2004)redistricting made the 1st District significantly more conservative than its predecessor. Tyler, which had long anchored the 4th District, was shifted to the 1st District.”

This is clearly a case of, “OK, show us all the work you’ve done over the last couple of years,” and the response is, “Well, nobody told me what to do so I’ve just been pissing around on the internet since February of 2018.”

Would’ja like some Freedom Fries with that?

So he had his tantrum, caved to pressure, got nothing for his trouble, and still screwed over millions of people. Then he went back to golfing.

He sure knows a lot of criminals.

If I were Joe Biden, I would call Mitch McConnell and say, “Unless you want this asshole back in power in 4 years, maybe you would consider working with me to actually get things done.”

Since he doesn’t do anything for nothing, I wouldn’t be surprised if Eric Prince from Blackwater made a “contribution” in order to pardon his guns for hire.

Hell, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he pardoned Eric Rudolph.

and maybe that administration will be me.”

Or wannabe side piece. I’m thinking Kimberly Guilfoyle. Jared is Edmund, Gloucester is Brian Kemp, and Barron is Edgar.

Mittens constantly shape shifts depending on whoever is in front of him. He thought he could run in 2008 as the Republican candidate who created universal health care in Massachusetts only to find out that made him a socialist to the GOP base, so he dropped that potato like it was radioactive. He told Mississippi

Now playing

I wonder if her ring tone was the Romney version of “Who Let the Dogs Out”?

“When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.”

He is also the only person to be fired by both Trump AND Obama. That’s a pretty broad spectrum of failure.

“I know he’s frustrated, and I’ve disagreed on things with him before... Look, at the end of the day, I’ve got to follow the laws and the Constitution and the Constitution of this state.”

I’m sure this will please all those complaining “housewives” who somehow have access to the President of the United States.

It starts at the top. We need a DNC with a plan. And don’t get me started about perpetual-minority-leader Schumer. He just reminds me of a put upon private school principle in Bergan County.

When is law enforcement going to aggressively go after these nincompoops? They can’t be a bunch of the brightest lamps in the shop, who effectively covered their tracks when they made these threats. Investigate, arrest, and publicly prosecute these cowards to make an example of them.

Glad they have their health priorities straight.